MovieChat Forums > You Again (2010) Discussion > Explain Something to Me

Explain Something to Me

Joanna and Will went to the same high school. Correct? So how is it that Will isn't aware of the fact that Joanna was a bully in high school?

Then again, we are talking about the same guy who was so clueless that he actually thought it was okay to give the tree house to Joanna and remove it from the family's property. (I'm sorry, but that is extremely selfish of him. He's not the sole owner of that tree house. It belongs to the family, and it should stay on the family's property.)


They said he was a senior when they were sophomores, so he probably didn't know her all that well, and Marni never told him who it was that bullied her.

Sometimes I could kiss your mind, Roy.


As poeboy stated, Will was 2 years ahead of them, and as a rule, seniors don't pay attention to the social dynamics of the underclassmen. He probably had no clue that Joanna was bullying Marni, and Marni wasn't giving up the information.

As far as the treehouse is concerned, yes it was a bit selfish, but there was real romantic purpose behind it, as it was where he proposed to Joanna. Should he have consulted Marni and Ben about it? Absolutely. Was the idea a good one? Absolutely. It had sentimental value to his relationship with his bride-to-be.

Corrupting Impressionable Youths Since 1976.


Then they could visit the tree house whenever they wanted, while it was on his parents' property. (Unless, of course, they were moving hundreds or thousand miles away. I don't remember if that was ever mentioned in the movie.)


Well, I wasn't defending the moving of the treehouse. Just offering up his perspective on the issue.

Of course they could do the same thing with the treehouse being at his home. Plus remember, the tree itself had termites.

Corrupting Impressionable Youths Since 1976.


Yeah I think it's unrealistic too especially since it was supposed to be a small school. Everyone knows everyone. Also she was a cheerleader and he was a basketball player so their social circles probably did overlap a bit.

But it's just a movie, doesn't have to add up I guess.


HP, I agree with you. They should have left out the part with Kristen Bell on the plane telling her mom she should know who the girl is because it's a small school.

If you're not responding to me, "reply" to the post you're responding to. kthanks.


I think the timeline is a little jumbled also if you are not paying close attention. The cheerleader, basketball, gator costume scene was when the girls were sophmores, JJ would not of been "the warden" as a sophomore, she would of just been a faceless minion in the squad and in HS. The 'we are the champions' scene was senior year, two years later, and Will would of been long gone by then.


not defending any of this because it's a pretty silly movie but..... having been mercilessly bulled in junior high, I would say that at that age, the people in the popular crowd who don't experience this kind of stuff take little or no notice of it going on at all. As noted before, he may not have even been aware of Joanna because she was two years behind him, but if he did, he behavior wouldn't have meant much to him unless Marni had specifically told him what was happening at the time and who was responsible for it. Most of the time, kids who are bullied don't tell anyone so this is unlikely.

As well, Joanna herself may have been barely aware of it. Bullies usually do not think much about the effect their behavior has on the people they torture. They do it to get attention and to get a reaction but they usually don't realize the full effect of what they do. I am absolutely certain that the girls who bullied me didn't think about it at all outside of school while for me it was devastating, led me to thought of self-harm and suicide, and had a permanent effect on how I see myself. I'm sure if I met any of those girls now, they would barely remember me.
