Is this supposed to be funny?

I'm pretty much an 'anything goes' kind of person when it comes to to comedy. Profanity doesn't offend me and I'm not interested in political correctness. All I ask of comedy is that it should be funny.

I can't find the words to describe how painfully awful this is. How does "Let's rip someone to shreds in the cruellest and crudest terms and then say how much we love them" qualify as comedy? It isn't even clever it's just a bunch of sad foul mouthed bullies jumping up and down yelling "look at me you F-wording C-words" in the playground.

You can probably tell from my spelling that I'm from the UK. I'd like to know if people from the US (a country with a fantastic comedy history) really find this kind of thing funny. I think these so called comedians should give up the morally bankrupt backstabbing/backslapping and write something funny instead.


its probably just cultural differences; as an American, the Joan Rivers roast was absolutey hilarious! (as are most Roasts; but the Joan Rivers roast is my all-time favorite)

maybe Brits just dont like to be made fun of, in this manner? A roast is all about being able to laugh at yourself, and having the ones that you love make fun of you.
