Two Movies

It's almost like two different movies.

The first 3/4 is funny anad slap-sticky.

The last 1/4 because quite serious and almost ground to a halt.

I really enjoyed it, and the cast was pretty good (especially Stephen Merchant) , but the Renzo character was out of place and too unrealistic.


How did the "Huck" character figure into the movie?


Very little, which surprised me, at least in terms of screen time.


Huck seems to be the kind of character that a romantic comedy will set up as the end goal -- Anna Kendrick should persevere and find him because they have instant chemistry and he's really the one for her. But the message is much different (and I think better). After they seem to have some spark, Anna kisses him, and he gets very awkward and bolts. She found Huck again at the end of the movie, but he was the groom in the other wedding occurring that day at the hotel. It was a sort of weird one-off that he met Anna, and I don't think he expected her to come after him, so he had to leave quickly to avoid any more awkwardness. Huck wasn't the one for her, despite how it had seemed initially. Actually, the goofy best man who dumped her was the right guy, once they worked out some of why that happened.

I felt the movie wanted to convey that things are worth working through, that nothing will be instantly perfect, and that a problem isn't necessarily a sign that you should quit. In a sense, Huck was a red herring.


good insight-thank you!


You're very welcome!
