1.Yeah english Bore India Very Finely When They Stayed In India For 150 Years And Looted Our Wealth And Resources And Imposed Heavy Taxes On Indian Farmers.

2.Even Today India's Economy Is 4'th LARGEST IN WORLD Beating england,Australia And South Africa.

3.Indians Defeated Whole english empire In 1947 And ATTAINED INDEPENDENCE.

HOW YOU BEAR THIS COUNTRY? HOW WE BEAR THESE english SUCKERS Coming To India And Saying Filth Like This.Who Invited Them Here ?




bhishmapitamah just nitpicks insignificant dialogues instead of recognising the overall portrayal of the country which I (being Indian) find is favourable.

Every country has it's crests and trough. India is no exception. Still finding fault over predecessors of British isn't worthwhile. Let bygones be bygones, countries should look into the future.


Well I agree with you.
But what can I say? They are our former masters and how can I judge their judgments?
They have money and power and therefore they have every right to be righteous.
White is the best color!


i am not blaming anyone but objecting to that particular dialogue,

wanna come to india with decency and love, Be My Guest But Saying Things Like This Are Out Of Way.


It is loud, bright, and crowded. How would you expect a visitor from a very different culture to initially react? I react the same way when I visit Las Vegas in the U.S. :)


It isn't 4'th largest economy it is 9'th and UK is 7'th and UK have 19 times smaller population so India must be really pathetic country ( also full of rapes). India defeated British Empire??? When??? British parlament partitioned India 1st. Indians were too weak to defeat and absorb Pakistan and you are babbling about defeating British Empire???



Wow, the U.S. rate of sexual assault is higher than India?


IN TERMS OF PURCHASING POWER INDIA IS THE 4'TH Largest Economy Not england,Yes Rapes Do Happen In India But england IS MORE RACIST AND MORE CORRUPT In Terms Of Sexual Assaults AND YES INDIA Achieved Freedom By Kicking england IN THE BACK AFTER 2'nd World War.


god scof, you are an idiot, kill yourself. 4th largest purchasing.?
who cares about these useless stats. u r a cliche riddled moron. like many indians



Meanwhile, a disgusting amount of hospitals are sending Americans' medical records to India to be transcribed and the result doesn't look much different than the OP's post :-/. Their economy is growing because of US.

-Dad, who's that?
-Oh, that? One of my patients. He's...sick.
-Will he live?
-It's looking grim.


Razzel, India does not have the highest murder RATE on earth moron! Here is the list of the top 20 and India is not even on the list!


1. You're calling the wrong person moron (thanks, though).
2. You forgot to post the list.

-Dad, who's that?
-Oh, that? One of my patients. He's...sick.
-Will he live?
-It's looking grim.


I am afraid "moron" that you obviously failed to read my post correctly. I specifically stated that per capita (if you don't know what that means, then look it up ;)) India was not the murder capital of the world. But they do top the chart with the amount of murders in the world,.

Here is my link for you to peruse.

So please; before calling someone a moron, read what they said first or you yourself will point out your own stupidity.


Yeah english Bore India Very Finely When They Stayed In India For 150 Years And Looted Our Wealth

...and they put a stop to suttee. Works for me.


Easy tiger!! It's a movie.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Indians Defeated Whole english empire In 1947

History revisionist at work.

Could we look without a fear,
If we knew our end was nigh?


I am British-Indian, and pathetic people like you, BHISHMAPITAMAH, are who are keeping the country in the dark ages. The British, for all their faults, created some order and infrastructure in India, which the Indians have manage to gradually devastate and demolish since 1947. And a country who treats women and people of "lower birth" like pittance, that comment, though rhetorical, is very apt.

To you, Bollywood is probably what defines India, and you don't even have a brain cell to process rhetorical questions. That aside, the dialog needs to be taken into context, and it is pretty clear you haven't seen the film. Much like the 'Salman Rushdie' bashers who haven't read any of his books.

My parents were born in India, and every time I visit, a part of me dies, because the country has so much promise, but is so misguided by the likes of wealthy and shallow Indians who consider themselves patriotic, yet do nothing for the country.

Grow some balls, and see the country for what it is!


Whether it's the redcoats' fault or not India is a mess! I've been there!


you probably shouldn't even be speaking after running off from the country that we love. we are doing our best. everyday, we try to change a bit with all the handicaps we have and we are inching slowly.

and trust me when i say, we would have been better if the british hadn't come here in the first place. we were the richest, you dumb-ass.


First of all, I loved this cinema and agree that in no way it projects India in a bad light.

However I do sense in you a snobby superiority complex, which may have it's origins in the other half of your genetic seem to believe that there's nothing good about India post-independence.

The British, for all their faults, created some order and infrastructure in India

Do you believe that the British created infrastructures to help the Indians in general? They did it because it would help them administer (read "siphon off money") the country better.

Do you know about Jallianwala Bagh Massacre? If I could, I (and to my belief, any self-respecting human) would trade the British-imported "order and infrastructure" for all those innocent lives lost that day.

And what more, David Cameroon on his recent visit to India, after nearly 90 years of the incident, only had to say that it was "a deeply shameful event in British history"...which is the first time in History that a British PM expressed any type of "regret" about the deaths...funny thing is that he avoided the word "apologise" in his speech.

And a country who treats women and people of "lower birth" like pittance, that comment, though rhetorical, is very apt.

What is more apt is that the same can be said about British raj...just replace the word "lower birth" with "dirty natives".

Yes...racism existed and thrived under British Raj - their "divide and rule" policy was so successful that its legacy of nurtured local hatreds can be seen wherever the Union Flag flew, from Muslim-Hindu hatred in Pakistan and India.

Every country has its own strong and week points...2011 riots in UK bears a proof to that. Where Britain existed under the same/similar governance for hundreds of years - "India", in her's current form, has only started her journey and there is no reason to lose faith in her yet.

Happiness is only Illusion


*Pulls up a chair*

The British, for all their faults, created some order and infrastructure in India

And Hitler gave Germany the Autobahn, yada yada.


I see what he means. Let's face reality here. India is a disgusting dump compared to Europe. The toilet to human ratio is basically the worst on the planet.

It can be frustrating since Indians are plenty smart but many Indians have told me there is no civic sense in India. They only care about themselves and their family but forget the community. Every Euro nation has better traffic and infrastructure than India.

I was shocked to learn that the Netherlands actually has a higher population density than India yet they are 1st world while India is 3rd world. WHY do you think that is?


It's gonna be a long post folks, sorry for that. But I gotta tell what I gotta tell. And I'll apologize for any inadvertent grammatical mistakes beforehand.

I see what he means. Let's face reality here. India is a disgusting dump compared to Europe.

It happens to every continent at some or other time in their history.

Europe was once considered the centre of the world, but dwindled in power after Roman empire fell from grace.

While in Europe the medieval period was aptly called the dark ages, Asia (especially the Indian subcontinent and China) showed brilliant economical/technological progress during that time.

Many of the technology, which paved the way to late medieval European ascension (including the Renaissance and industrial revolution), was actually imported from these non-European basic mechanisms of spindle-wheel, gunpowder and basic printing press...Nalanda, Taxila two of the most important oriental learning center were here, with students coming from all over the known world.

Even in the ancient period, Indus Vally civilization had the best sanitation system of the world - the houses there contained the world's earliest known system of flush toilets. These existed in many homes, and were connected to a common sewerage pipe. Most also had private wells.

I'm sure if we had IMDB at that time, you would have written that remark in a completely opposite sense.

It can be frustrating since Indians are plenty smart but many Indians have told me there is no civic sense in India. They only care about themselves and their family but forget the community. Every Euro nation has better traffic and infrastructure than India.

I'm not denying that the current state of India is not up to the mark - only arguing that it's not proper to judge a nation without paying attention to the underlying problems which caused the decline.

I just want some of those super-critical fellows here at IMDB to understand that Indians are not genetically mutated to be born without proper civic/hygienic sense which they seem to believe.

Indians are just like any other human is rough for most people here, they are brought up in a dog-eat-dog environment where most of them are unaware of their basic human rights like proper education, sanitation and food. They have to fight for those rights that the state should have provided them...and they are programmed by the society to be selfish.

In India, due to excessive population - there is a perpetual surplus in the unskilled, and mostly unorganized labour sector, as a result the wages are very low. Can you expect a person to behave in a civil way when he has to support himself and his family on a daily wage of 1.25$ a day? Especially when they see fellow citizens flaunt their wealth in front of them? Economic inequality is hailed as one of the main causes for people to lose trust in each other.

All in all, I'm saying don't single out Indians - rather single out those inherent problems.

By 2020, average Indian's age will be 29, and this young generation, just like Sonny in the movie, understands the need to turn the tide, the necessity to eradicate those pre-existing problems via political/social policy changes, which IS happening here right now! - and is bound to change the nation for the better.

I was shocked to learn that the Netherlands actually has a higher population density than India yet they are 1st world while India is 3rd world. WHY do you think that is?

I am sure if you'd approach anyone with a background in public administration, they would say that higher population density does not make a nation harder to administer - it's the sense of inherent national identity that makes a particular group of people to respect and obey the administration.
This, in its true sense, is rather amiss among majority of Indians. Firstly because India has a mixture of cultures and language - it's like a continent in itself.

Naturally people of one community has reservations against the other which impedes national integrity - moreover, unlike most western countries, we have numerous local political parties who thrive using petty, localized (sometimes even communal and separatist) sentiments.

How can you effectively administer a country if every other development work remain suspended due to warring political parties with opposing agendas? For example, if the government wants to make a train line through somewhere, the opposing party will invariably "oppose" it (like building a religious shrine on the area overnight and use religion as leverage), even if they were the one who actually sanctioned the job (before the regime-change of course)!

So, yes the whole system needs to change, and that will happen - bound to happen, as in physics - all excited systems are bound to stabilize if given proper time to settle...So let's not lose hope in India just now.

Happiness is only Illusion


Hey SLV, where in India are you?

To give you an idea of the culture shock of India I refer to Art Bell. You know who Art Bell is right? He hosts that late night radio show about conspiracy theories, UFOs, Bigfoot, etc. He married a Philipino girl and he said Asia is like ANOTHER PLANET!


I'm from Kolkata (Calcutta). I don't really understand the Art Bell reference as I am not really familiar with him. Look, I'm alright with positive criticism but I do have problems if one judges India on face-value only and fails to understand the nature of it's problems and empathize.

Perhaps you haven't heard of Jim Corbett. He was a India-born British who lived in mountainous valley of Kumaon in Northern India, primarily known for his hunting exploits, but also revered as a naturalist and philanthropist. He wrote in his book "My India" (which is a remarkable book, if you wish to read it),

In my India, the India I know, there are four hundred million people, ninety percent of whom are simple, honest, brave, loyal, hard-working souls whose daily prayer to God, and to whatever Government is in power, is to give them security of life and property to enable them to enjoy the fruit of their labours. It is of these people, who are admittedly poor, and who are often described as India's starving millions', among whom I have lived and whom I love, that I shall endeavour to tell in these pages of this book, which I humbly dedicate to my friends, the poor of India.

Clearly he was well aware of the ten percent of opportunistic Indians (who still exists today) of his time who were different from the ninety percent-yes, the ninety percent who were simple and honest...and he appreciated their daily struggle and hardship. He used to see Indians as friends and comrades, and freely socialized with them without any reservations.

The same situation still exist, perhaps in a different form - but I'm sure that any outsider, who, like Jim Corbett and anyone who has lived here long enough, tries and sees the beauty and promises of India past it's chaotic exterior...will forgive its shortcomings and appreciate for what it was, is and what it will become.

Happiness is only Illusion


I liked Kolkata very much, it's a gentle place for such a big city, but it should employ people in the tourism office who don't mind answering questions about tourism.

India has a number of problems and I can understand completely the struggle to survive by the poor. It's the middle classes and the wealthy I don't get - they have plenty and there is no excuse for some of the boorish behavior I've seen, and the appalling way many of them speak to anyone they consider "lower" than them.

As for the British, I saw a Hindi film about some gangster stuck in a phone booth for a really long time and at the end there was a statement about how corrupt Indian politicians had stolen more from the country than the British ever did. At least the British built a railway. It could have been a lot worse, India could have colonized by Belgium.


It's the middle classes and the wealthy I don't get - they have plenty and there is no excuse for some of the boorish behavior I've seen, and the appalling way many of them speak to anyone they consider "lower" than them.

Don't you think this culture was nourished by the colonial British?

Take for example the so called "BABU culture" of Kolkata (as it was the capital then, the whole Nation followed promptly) - it was primarily a generation of semi-educated Bengali Hindus (because Muslims were, at first, reluctant to establish a rapport with British - quite understandable if you consider the fact that it was mainly the Muslims who lost most when British rule was established.)
British saw it as an opportunity and selectively pampered these section of "elite" Hindus - the birth of their favourite "divide-and-rule" tactic, ultimately causing the division of India and Pakistan (east and west).

Now these particular Babus, whose sole aim in life was to grab a clerical job at an English merchant's (or gora sahib, as they used to call them) office, can be hailed as the forefathers of what you called "the middle classes and the wealthy" we now see in India.

The British introduced typical colonial English-education system, which was aimed at producing common clerks and nothing more. And armed by this "English education", this particular section enjoyed more privileges than their counterparts and rose to prominence quickly. They would often sneer at their fellow "uneducated" Indians as they believed they were above them, they were also vocal supporters of British raj and considered armed freedom fighters as terrorists.

As for the British, I saw a Hindi film about some gangster stuck in a phone booth for a really long time and at the end there was a statement about how corrupt Indian politicians had stolen more from the country than the British ever did

I do agree, I believe the Britishers were very good at what they came to do, they were colonists, I don't really blame them for what they did. My only regret is that somehow India is more influenced by the bad aspects of the raj than the good aspects.

Happiness is only Illusion


The British were efficient colonialists, yes. They at least left behind some useful infrastructure. Many Indians have said to me (with sadness), they despair for India when the country cannot maintain what the British left behind.

I believe the British fondness for bureaucracy and hierachy had an effect on India, however India had rulers and peasants long before the British came. The wealthy, bad-mannered Indians I encountered are in a class of rudeness of their own. These people have education and should know better. Educated British people do not behave like this.

Having spoken to many hoteliers, everyone I spoke to prefers guests from abroad because they say Indians (ie, the ones with money who can afford to travel) are so rude and demanding. If you are from Kolkata you will know Indians are banned from many hotels and guesthouses around Sudder St. I was appalled by this when I arrived, but after a few months it made sense I could see why.

What are these 'bad aspects of the raj'? Some Indians I met said the country is such a mess they wish the British would come back. I'm not making that up! I think mainly they despair of the corruption. So many want to leave and live elsewhere.



Thanks for thoughtful response and succinct analysis. I learned something. Yes, "like a continent," and I forget that. You do a fine job of tying the reality of India's political/cultural diversity to problems improving the quality of life there. It is so hard for those of us who have never even visited to begin to imagine India, much less understand any of her issues.


The colonial period of history is one of the darkest for the majority of the world, even if first world countries seldom really realize the extent of the damage they did to thousand-year old cultures. But it also was the beginning of the cultural interchange that led to the development of the far more egalitarian views of the modern world.

And ultra-nationalism is just another form of xenophobia. Badmouthing the British is just as bad as badmouthing India in the first place. I'm neither British nor Indian (though I had a great-grandfather who was an Indian immigrant way back in the early 20th century), but to hold on to the anger at the mistakes of people long dead is poison. Remember that it's the same thing that drives terrorists today. From the IRA to the Ku Klux Klan to Al Qaeda. Guess what they have in common? The inability to forgive and move on.

And do watch the movie. It portrays India honestly but also fairly. It doesn't sugarcoat the realities of poverty in most former colonized nations, but it also leaves viewers with a sense of brotherhood. And not only that, the trailer intentionally portrays RUDE tourists. It is in fact a criticism of THEM, not of India. The film itself is how some of them eventually came to overcome their prejudices and grew to love India.

Heck, it made me want to visit India at the end.


And not only that, the trailer intentionally portrays RUDE tourists. It is in fact a criticism of THEM, not of India

I think this needs to be bolded and blown up because I think people missed it. The comment was a criticism of a woman who was so bitter and angry about her own life that she couldn't find pleasure in anything. It was not a criticism of the country. Calm down and try actually watching the movie.

