MovieChat Forums > Pitchmen (2009) Discussion > The show continues without Billy

The show continues without Billy

The only reason I watched the show was because of Bllly. He was the heart and soul of the show. I had never even seen Sully. I'm not sure how the show will be without Billy. I'll probably watch the first 2 or 3 since they'll mention Billy but then they'll move on and I doubt the show will be worth watching.


I was surprised they went ahead with season 2 when a lot of people felt like Sully took away what most people originally wanted to see the first season.... and that was a national Billy Mays showcase. I agree, it should be interesting the first few episodes this season to see just how much of a strong impact May's death affected the entire industry and all of their lives in general, and how his son, Billy Mays III, tries to step into his late father's shoes. Theres a solid chance this will be the last season, but I'm really curious to see the direction there heading if they have intentions of keeping this a long running series.


I miss billy and the element that his relationship with sully brought to the show. However, i liked seeing the new inventions and effort put into making a commercial around them. So i think i'll still be able to enjoy the show, but maybe not at the same level.
