Forbes Riley????

What a greedy, fake, annoying Broad! That "spin Gym" was a joke, and cheap gimmick. $40 for that with a video? A video! Then tries to say she can't sell it for $10 cause it's her baby! It was all about her being greedy. I'm glad she failed and I'm not like that very often.



1. it eventually becomes useless once you build the muscles to use it... even for toning, eventually your muscles simply will not develop further due to the lack of resistance

2. if she knew anything about muscle fitness, (which any n00b gym member does) she would know that limited range of motion when developing muscles can lead to serious injury down the road including muscle tearing and impingements.... the only proper way to work out your muscles is to get a full range of motion

3. once you make if from plastic it's perceived quality decreases, thus its price decreases...

4. $30 for 3 rings of metal and some yarn? i could buy adjustable barbells for $30 and use them for far longer than i'd use the spin gym

5. same for $20

6. its a novelty thing that only those prissy "real housewife" type women would buy....

7. IT'S A TOY... or at least it looks like a toy from the get go...

8. and this is what really bothered me about her: she's a pitchman... just like Billy and Sully... she's been in the industry for years... its her job, her profession....... therefore, she should know a thing or two about spotting a product that will have a large market and how price affects sales... i mean billy and sully like it but were skeptical.... and the guy at Telebrands was even more skeptical.... if all 3 of them raised an eyebrow as in skepticism, then surely any other pitchman would have plausibly done the same... its beyond me how she thinks 1. that this would sell and 2. that it would sell for $30...

9. it looks like a toy

10. correction, it looks like some cheap pos thing that was invented solely to sell over QVC or HSN by someone looking to make a quick buck with a gimmick...

Your art is the prettiest art of all the art.


there is nothing that the spin gym can do that a simple elastic resistance cord can't...

plus, you can get an entire set of variable resistance bands for under $30...
so why waste your $$$ on a spin gym, when you can get more and better equipment for the same price?


I'm glad someone mentioned the lack of range while exercising with this thing. The people using it looked as if they were barely stretching it to any useful level. It lloked like a flimsy piece of crap.


Same here, I couldn't stand her whining over the fact that it was her "baby" when she didn't even invent it. This makes the "Shuffles" lady look 10 times better than her. And she's trying to compare herself with Suzanne Somers? I didn't even know who in the hell Forbes Riley was until I watched Pitchmen.

And people are right, she should've tried to sell it for $9.99 or put it on QVC/HSN. Serves her right, $10k just to get the name and she can't even sell it for the price she wants. If she's such an experienced pitchwoman, then she should've realized right off the bat that this little "toy" of hers wouldn't sell for more than $9.99.

IMO, she was trying to use her feminist appearance to basically persuade Billy, Anthony and A.J. (from Telebrands) to try and sell her product. An example would be her telling A.J. to look at her chest. I know they were trying to write it off as a joke, but she used her "tool" to get A.J.'s attention to try and get him to invest in this product. I'm glad he finally backed out after the piss-poor results came in.

I could probably get the same workout with a huge rubber band.


Same here, I couldn't stand her whining over the fact that it was her "baby" when she didn't even invent it. This makes the "Shuffles" lady look 10 times better than her

Indeed. Her baby? Just because she wants something to put her name on? The Shuffles gal was picky and perhaps off the mark but at least it's something she developed personally and wanted to make a go of. Forbes is already a minor celeb who just wants an investment and an ego boost.

If she's such an experienced pitchwoman, then she should've realized right off the bat that this little "toy" of hers wouldn't sell for more than $9.99

That struck me as strange, too. I might expect that kind of price naivete from someone not in the biz but not her.

Overall, I found that whole episode rather disappointing. Forbes came across as a joke and wasn't even anyone I'd want to root for anyway. Maybe if she was Hedy Lamar with her frequency hopping technology trying to sell it and move beyond being "just" a star, I could find that interesting. Instead it's just a story of an unrealistic investor who is NOT an inventor trying to sell a product that I couldn't believe any of these people would pretend was that good.

I honestly don't believe all those people thought the Spin Gym was "great". I had the feeling the whole episode was just fictionalized.

I could probably get the same workout with a huge rubber band

Same??? Much better! As I've pointed out before, you don't get much range of motion with that spin gym. It also admittedly had a "learning curve". Any idiot can use an exercise band. The only advantage is that it has an element of "fun" as opposed to a boring band. But a good workout? Nothing special at all.

Oh, and elastic bands fit in a purse or suitcase, too!

The American CEO is analogous to the Appendix...


And she looks like a mummy


I totally concur. I was especially annoyed when (I think it was near the end of the episode) she actually started crying. I immediately thought, "Oh, great, that's it, try to pull out the girly-tears so the men will give you your way." Ridiculous.


To even want to put your name to a piece of utter rubbish such as the spin gym you'd have to either be completely ignorant about exercise science or have zero integrity...I'm guessing it's probably both mixed in with huge amount of egotism and a healthy slice of greed.
There was a certain irony to calling it the "spin gym" that made me smile though. heh....spin it certainly is


I took joy in her failure.

Kansas Critic, My Video & Written Reviews:


looks like she finally found a fitness product 'baby' she could sell...I saw an ad with her last night and she says, "I designed it"...I won't name it because she's not paying me to promote it, but I'm sure you could Google and find it, it looks like a slight take off on the Shake Weight, or at least a similar concept (using a moving weight for resistance); she includes a DVD and nutrition plan with the device
