
I read on Nick's facebook that because the movie bombed very bad, it had a limited release. I guess it means that it's out of theaters tomorrow. I haven't seen it but I'm a huge fan of Sandler, Swardson and Covert. Is it worth seeing? Not in theaters but on DVD?


*beep* no just watch Grandmas Boy on your *beep* sweat car like me again



1,500 theaters is not a limited release. They SHOULD HAVE cut their losses and just did a limited release with little or no advertising, but they went all in and the thing bombed. It might be in theaters a weekend or two more, but generally theater-owners hate movies like this because they'd rather be showing movies people will actually come to see.


I'd be surprised if it is playing in anything but the dollar theaters in two weeks.

Never insult seven people when you're only packing a six-shooter.


are they still dollar theaters?... really though... are they? :D


Except on college campuses, doubt it. The one I was about to mention from when I was a kid now charges $4 a ticket...up $2 from last summer.

Never insult seven people when you're only packing a six-shooter.


There are dollar theaters everywhere. There are some really nice ones too.



i guess if you look hard enough you could find dollar movie theaters. we have (or had) couple here in hawaii.


It sounds like he's mis-using "limited release" to mean a release that doesn't last very long. And with the movie averaging 8 viewers per showing, that seems like a sure thing. This movie will be nothing but a bad, fading memory soon for everyone but the people who financed it and the actors and director whose careers it will forever haunt.


Usually a theater is obligated to run a film for a minimum of 4 weeks, then if the film is doing really bad, they can send back the film prints. That's what happened when Town And Country flopped(now that film is a perfect example of an awful comedy, how Warren Beatty churned out that piece of garbage i'll never know)another film After Last Season, (one of the worst films of all time) actually went to theaters, it did so badly(it made less then a million dollars) that the theater owners found it cheaper to burn the film prints rather then send them back, good riddance!


It only cost fifteen million to make. It's not like it'll hurt Adam Sandler, since he only produced it, also he's have Jack and Jill to look forward (which will sadly) make a lot of mula.


Jack and Jill looks alot worse then this film, but Sandler has a much bigger fnabase then Swardson, so it probably will make money.


This movie sucked. Possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. I almost walked out halfway through. Had I paid to see it, I would have demanded my money back.



0% on rottentomatoes.com.


Strange, looks like this film is still playing at my local theater.


Saw this last night because I figured it would not be around this week. First theatre I went to had cancelled their final screening. Went to another theatre. Film wasn't great but I've seen worse. The ten movies I saw trailers for before BUCKY all looked worse.

Was surprised to see that it is still in a few theatres today.


You were driving around town trying to find a theater playing Bucky Larson?! That's the funniest f'ing thing I've read all day.


Imagine my frantic desperation.


I'll rent the DVD from my Library (Just so I can see the joke with Grapes)

And also show this to my sister who's a BIG Gilmore Girls Fan (The father is the Grandfather on that show)


Aha! I KNEW i'd seen him somewhere before! My sister's a big fan of Gilmore Girls too, don't know if she'll like this film though(then again, she loves the Jakcass films, which are arguably FAR stupider then this film, so you never know)


Your sisters like Gilmore Girls? Right... ;)

Black holes are where God divided by 0

