I actually loved it...

I'm not really too sure why this movie has been vilified the way it has. I pretty much laughed constantly from start to finish. In a lot of ways, it's just like a classic Sandler comedy. A socially inept, maybe even borderline retarded character, is thrust into a world he doesn't quite understand, only to end up conquering that world through unconventional means.

To me, if you liked Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, The Waterboy, etc, you'll probably love this one too. And "Bucky" gets to go much further than any of those because of the R-rating.

On top of all that, the entire cast is hilarious. Absolutely fantastic.

I get that a lot of people think movies "like this" are stupid. But all these guys want to do with this movie is make people laugh! Unfortunately, no one is seeing it because people seem to have so many *beep* things to say about it. So, my advice is, if you just want to enjoy a dirty comedy and have a good time, give this movie a shot. If you're looking for something other than that... well, then, you really have no business giving everyone your opinion about this film in the first place.

I think one of the most important elements of good film criticism is to (at least TRY) to review from the perspective of the target audience. In this case, it seems like pretty much everyone has failed to do that.

Anyway, the point is, I think "Bucky" is really *beep* funny.



I agree, it's not a great film but it's FAR from being the worst, I have a feeling this film might not have gotten a 0% on RT if it actually was screened for critics, certainly there have been FAR worse films that WERE screened for critics, like the godawful Hottie And The Nottie(which makes Bucky Larson look like Naked Gun by comparison)



Scorpion, the website thespill had an audio of this movie that's hilarious. I love their review, I usually agree with what they complain about or says works in movies. Anyway they claim they were offered to go to apress junket with some of the stars of the movie but were told by the studio rep they were to NOT ask any questions about the movie. They thought he was kidding at first because there is no other reason for a studio to shuttle stars of a movie from city to city - they're there to promote the film. But they were told if they talk to anyone they can not discuse the movie.

It would seem the reason the studio kept critics away is even they realized it sucked. Usually when a studio DOESN'T let critics in, they think the critics will attack the movie and it will hurt ticket sales. In this day and age I don't an one review can hurt a movie. Alot of time critics can dislike a movie, and the general public will like it. Or the reserve, as in Sideways were critics loved the movie yet audiences didn't seem to give a rat's ass.

So maybe the RT rating would have been a 20% instead of a zero. Or maybe RT would have redo they rating system to have a negative score so Bucky Larson would have ended up with a -50% instead of a mere 0.


Is that you Nick?
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


Beware of Happy Madison employees and affiliates with IMDB accounts attempting to counter all the negative reviews.

Sorry, you can't have my autograph but we can take a picture.


Here's my imdb, (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4392192/) just so you guys can see that I have no vested interest in Happy Madison. I really just thought it was funny...

I'd be more worried about all the people "reviewing" movies that they don't even have any *beep* intention of seeing.


I'd be more worried about all the people "reviewing" movies that they don't even have any *beep* intention of seeing.

Only someone vested in this movie somehow would be genuinely, "Worried" about that.


I would think anyone with even a modest respect for movies would be worried about that...

I added a link to my page in my last post just so people could see that I had nothing to do with this film.


Personally I'm more worried about shills trying to make it seem like an ordinary person thinks the movie is funny. On this thread someone named ormiston313 talked about loving the movie and was really defending it, but it's funny because it was a brand new account, and all 5 or 6 posts were for Bucky Larson. I mean, come on.

Back in 2002 Sony pictues got caught using postive reviews from a fake movie reviewer. The made up David Manning who always seemed to love Sony pictures. The funny thing is they used a real newspaper, The Ridgefield Press from CT. When I googled the story to get the facts straight since it was so old Sony also promised to stop have Sony employees cast in ads praising the movies. So at least one studio has a history of lying to get people to pay to see their movies, and I'll be honest I think they're just the only ones to get caught.

On IMBD it's easy for anyone to set up an account, if a studio thinks a movie is getting bad press they may be stupid enough to think a few people posting that Bucky Larson was HILARIOUS will get enough people to get see it to make it more profitable. The sad thing about IMDB is most people don't really say why they like or dislike something, so just a stranger saying "It made me laught and I choked on my popcorn" is meaningless for most people.

So, yeah, I suppose it's possible some day I could see this movie and think it's funny. But I doubt it. The commericals, which are made to PROMOTE the movie and make it seem appealing, are stupid as hell. And someone talking in a funny voice is only funny to toddlers. And from a review I heard the main thing is Bucky has a small penis but ejaculates 20 gallons of seed and it goes everywhere. And that stuff is funny to 14 year olds, when they're nervous and don't understand the human body, farting or orgasming in any instance is just funny. At some point most of us grow up. Farting can still be funny if written funny, but I don't just laugh if Jack Black farts and looks at the camera with a funny face. I'm not 14 years old anymore.


Dude, you are such a schmuck. Shill, troll, etc...I registered because I wanted to comment on this movie. It's the first time I felt like posting an opinion. You are the real problem on these message boards with your whining and negativity. You come across like the AV kid in high school...angry, repressed geek. The more you talk the worse you "look". Do yourself and all of us a favor and erase your account. You lack taste and annoy everyone. Spend more time practising being an adult and less time in front of a computer. You totally suck brushy!!!!


I'm not whining, dingleberry. It's a crap movie, it's people who like the movie who are whining.

Seriously, either you're mentally challenged or are a paid shill. Possibly both.


Paid shill?? The only one who's paid me is your Motha! Hahahaha


Yeah, that's something us regular folks would say. You're doing good, orm. Keep it up and you just might fool us all.

I met Cinderella once... she's actually kind of a bitch.


brushy had a legitimate post and you in turn insulted him.

He also gave reasons and you attacked ad hominem. Classy. Maybe you can save your shill account until the next Happy Madison picture, Jack and Jill, flops horribly.

So this is the first movie you ever commented on? What are the chances? The Godfather, Citizen Cane, Blade Runner, were all ignored, but Bucky Larson was the film that moved you enough to create an account? Lol, that's believable.


You guys are funny. I am enjoying this discussion quite a bit.

a) brushy is insulting simply by his existance. Me posting on here for the first time had 1% to do with Bucky Larson and 99% to do with his annoying tone and "holier than though" attitude.
b) the debate about whether or not I have a "shill" account is beneath me but I do enjoy watching the clueless ones discuss it. Believe what you like.
c) if you nerds are commenting on Jack & Jill, I will be more than happy to follow suit.

The Godfather: 7.5/10 - not big into gangster films
Citizen Cane: 4/10 - bored me to death
Blade Runner: 8/10 - I love action/vampire movies
Eastern Promises: Zero/10!! I hate this movie with all I'm worth
American Beauty: 9.5/10
American Pie: 9.5/10
Shawshank Redemption: 10
Lord of the Rings: 10
Star Wars: 10
Karate Kid: 10
Serpent and the Rainbow: 10
Clockwork Orange: 9.5/10
Fear & Loathing: 9.5/10
Pulp Fiction: 10
Hellraiser: 10
Silence of the Lambs: 10
The Shining: 10
A Few Good Men: 10
10 Commandments: 10
Good Will Hunting: 10
Seven: 9/10
Inception: 5/10
Bucky Larson: 10!! (for all of you consipiracy theorists)


I honestly doubt you saw any of those movies, let alone heard about half of them until you wanted to find out what movies normal people have watched.

Let me get this straight, you claim to have used IMDB for years yet never felt compeleted to get an account, log on, and share your opinion on a movie until Bucky Larson, and you're calling other people nerds? You know you're projecting, right?


Believe what you want. Just a bit of advice though brushy, try to get that whiny, snotty, overweight-movie-snob tone out of your posts. You remind me of the date-rapists from the days of dial-up BBS Gateway "gets"...or maybe you are a member of PITA. Either way you offend the senses. Work on it.


Ormiston, if you were intelligent enough for it I'd assume you were being ironic.


Blade Runner: 8/10 - I love action/vampire movies

LOL! That is too funny. There is not one vampire in Blade Runner. Blade Runner is a neo-noir about a detective trying to catch replicants and learning what it means to be human along the way. Perhaps you are thinking about BLADE with Wesley Snipes, which is a vampire/action film.

I now see that you were trolling, as nobody could possibly have made a mistake this big about arguably the most influential film of the last 50 years. You made me laugh. Kudos.


Lol. Nobody could ever make a mistake this big. You are pathetic and you two deserve each other. And that's exactly where I am going to leave you two. Together, alone.


Wait, so out of all the movies in the 100 year history of cinema, all the Oscar winners, blockbusters, franchises, cult films, fan favorites, critical darlings, sequels, remakes, reboots, adaptations and everything else in between... THIS was the film that made you want to post an opinion?


Eyesbick, Alsanali, exactly.

Lets say even if he didn't have an opinion on any movie that's generally considered excellent, no classic movies, no blockbusters. He likes Adam Sandler yet never wanted to talk about how funny he is?

There are tons of stupid comedies which are actually funny. SOmeone could argue the Naked Gun or Farrelly Bros movies are stupid but they are at least funny, imo, yet he doesn't have an opinion on those? At least not to post?

He communicates like a 12 year old, you say something and you replies with the most childish remarks possible. And even an stupid adult I would think would at least say something to defend the movie, yet his very first post he says people who don't like the movie were pushed in their lockers as children, so right of the bat he's acting crazy. So I'm guessing more shill, obviously someone who's going to defend this film will act immature because that's the primary target audience.

And as I said about SOny Pictures studios are willing to decieve people to increase ticket sales. What I think is important at least is that most people are smart enough to see this crap for what it is. If people saw it and generally liked it, fine, whatever, but since it's bombing that's would be a good indication to Hollywood to not bother with movies aimed at people with IQs of 20, and maybe the money can be spent on entertainment for the non-retarded members of society.


It's well documented that shill accounts exist on IMDB. A few years ago, Disaster Movie topped the charts at #1 on the bottom 100 list for months. All of a sudden, a new film was created called "Sweetie Pie" starring Paris Hilton. Remarkably, this film garnered 1000 votes, yet the forum board was nothing but "I can't find this movie anywhere!" The movie is so obscure, that it's doubted to exist, and so unreliable that IMDB removed it.

Happy Madison must view us as sheep. Not only do they write formulaic, immature crap, but then they expect us to believe one or two shill accounts on IMDB.


I think I see the miscommunication here. Let me state, for the record, that I sometimes do find out of place bodily functions and funny voices hysterical. I also laugh at pretty much everything Nick Swardson says or does. So, I guess we can move me on over from the "studio shill" category to the "severely mentally challenged" category. Maybe that will clear some of this up.

I can't even imagine what it must be like to be able to get so upset by the fact that someone enjoys a film that you find stupid. That ego must weigh a ton! I mean, I'm not a "Twilight" fan by any means, but I couldn't give less of a *beep* that a bunch of other people are. Sure, I'm a little baffled by the success of "The Bachelorette", but I'm not writing any letters about it.

I'm not trying to make this movie seem like something it isn't. "Bucky" may very well be a movie intended mostly for those who prefer "South Park" to the work of Terrence Malick. That's not to say this movie is ONLY for such people. I enjoy many dramas as well, and I absolutely prefer Mozart to Metallica - but when I find something funny, I just *beep* laugh. I don't sit around wondering if it was mature of me to do so. If you're the type of person who can't possibly lower yourself enough to laugh at a penis-related joke under any circumstances, then obviously this film is not for you.

Also, I'm certainly not denying the existence of shill imdb accounts. I'm sure they're out there. But the mere fact that the same person who LOVED a movie about a hung-like-a-snail aspiring porn star has nothing insightful to add to a discussion about "Citizen Kane", doesn't necessarily mean he's a fraud.


Actually, Chvana, you must be the one with a big ego. Noone is upset you or anyone likes the movie. If you laugh at monkeys playing with themselves at the zoo, more power to you. What we're upset about is the time and money spend on something that is not a children's movie yet appeals to 14 year olds.

Seriousy, dude, you are nothing to anyone here - why do you think we care what you like? Why do you care what we like?

As far as South Park, I love South Park. And there is a scene in Dumb and Dumber where Jeff Daniels was fed laxatives and is sitting on the toilet, and it was hilarious. I was cracking up in the theaters and the two people I went with were looking at me because my reaction was so over the top. I was turning red. Because the scene was funny. It was funny, it wasn't just a guy sitting on the crapper, they actually made it funny. Someone loaned me Soul Plane which I thought sucks, and if I remmeber there are two scenes of guys on the toilet. Because one is so freaking funny, two must be twice as funny! So... if movie makers actually work on doing something funny, great - but just the act of 'potty humor' isn't funny, everyone goes to the bathroom once a day, I can't imagine anyone who is an adult who finds that hilarious other then a Bucky Larson fan.


See, you still haven't given reasons why this movie is enjoyed by you. I read your description from your original post of the movie:

A socially inept, maybe even borderline retarded character, is thrust into a world he doesn't quite understand, only to end up conquering that world through unconventional means.

Which Happy Madison film does that not describe? That's a talentless, hack storyline right there, especially since it's the same people re-shooting the same story-lines every couple years.

I too find Swardson funny in his stand-up, but I believe he made a mistake by making this film. This film is a disaster, and I apologize to Ed Wood for calling him a terrible director. Apparently there was some art to his films, no matter how misguided.

If you're the type of person who can't possibly lower yourself enough to laugh at a penis-related joke under any circumstances, then obviously this film is not for you.

I can. One of the funniest tv episodes I've ever seen is "The Contest" by Seinfeld, which is completely about masturbation. However, they don't show you body fluids and body parts for the laughs. They cleverly craft jokes in a non-hack, unique way.

I also like the film Dumb and Dumber, which is mostly bodily fluid jokes. The plot of Dumb and Dumber even sounds funny:

Harry and Lloyd are two brainless losers who try to return a suitcase full of money to its pretty owner. After a journey full of accidents they arrive in snowy Aspen, Colorado and try to find her. But will they succeed?

The previews also look funny. I can find a litany of reviews from critics, and it in fact has a fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes of 62%.

I can also tell you other reasons I liked it. Jim Carrey has an over-the-top style of acting, which really shines when he plays a dumb character. People assume that they stole the money and have an elaborate plot, but they're just two idiots traveling cross country to meet a girl who they don't know. The police, crime lords, the charity, and the FBI are all chasing them not knowing where they are going. At times the movie is seemingly random, but everything connects in the end, and it is a tightly written script. Is it the best film ever? No, but there's plenty of reasons to like it.

So, once again, is there a reason to like this film other than "bodily functions and funny voices from a manchild character"?

Also, who was this film written for? What is the target audience? I don't know what marketing genious was behind it, but I'd recommend firing him. You see, if the target audience is 13 year old males, why is it "RATED R! HAHAHAHAH!" ? Terrible marketing from every angle for this film.


You are either seriously mentally disturbed or a studio shill.



I really worry about the sanity of people who enjoy rubbish like this. I'd be embarrassed if any of my friends or family admitted enjoying this film


I'd be FAR more embarassed if somebody I knew admitted to liking garbage like Fireproof or those Left Behind films, Kirk Cameron is truly one of the most ignorant people on the planet.


Generally speaking, the kind of people who find films like Bucky Larson funny, are rather dense, dull, have bland personalities, see intelligence as a trait exclusive to geeks, and laugh at videos on youtube of people farting, while also writing in txt speak on facebook to their friends (who probably have fake tans and are equally as thick/shallow). Basically, the lowest common denominator. Luckily none of my friends are like that, so they would probably despise trash like this film


Well i'm not like that at all, and that's an incredilby stupid sterotype, that's like calling a guy who likes Twilight(yes, they do exist) gay, it's just plain stupid. I rarely visit Youtube and I couldn't care les about Facebook, JUST because a person finds this iflm funny does NOT mean that they are stupid, i'm not the smartest guy in the world but i'm not a total idiot either, i'm just an average guy who happens to like lowbrow humor, I personally find the Jackass films to be lowest common denominator material, I see nothing appealing about watching a bunch of annoying idiots performing dangerous and idiotic stunts and nearly getting themselves killed(it's even less funny now after Ryan Dunn's death)At least you can take comfort in the fact that the people in Bucky Larson have little to no basis in reality, but in Jackass, you're watching real people who have the intelligence of a gnat, which to me is MUCH worse.


"JUST because a person finds this iflm funny does NOT mean that they are stupid"

Yes it does.


Seems like andrew got you to a T, scorpion.


This is one of the best descriptions of the kind of "people" who enjoy this crap that I've read. It's like they have something to prove by enjoying things everyone hates like that's their #1 criteria for whether or not they'll see something and everything else is a very distant second. "Did the critics and film snobs hate it? Awesome! I'm there! I bet I'll love it!". Then comes that most reviled of movie hick cliches: "I don't care what critics think anyway. In fact, I usually like stuff they don't". That reaction is so reflexive it lends itself to easy profiling as you've done.


Well I don't see how liking films that critics hate is a bad thing and vice versa, and they're are plenty films that I DO agree with critics, you'll NEVER catch me defending the Twilight films, and there are some comedies(like Your Highness and Hottie And The Nottie) that are too stupid even for my tastes.


I totally agree. I haven't seen the movie but it actually looks pretty funny. And since we both agree, that doesn't mean you're weird or perverted or have bad taste in movies or anything. Yup, not at all.

By the way, have you heard of the movie Freddy Got Fingered? It's about a guy who accuses his dad of being a sex offender! I know, it doesn't exactly sound that appropriate, but I think you should give it a shot considering you love 'dirty comedies'. So what if it was voted one of the worst movies of all time? Those people had no business giving their opinion anyway!

The only difference between me and a homeless man is this job. - Creed


Yeah, I saw that one recently, pretty messed up film, though it does have some hilarious moments(like the "sasuages" scene) Tom green was also pretty funny in "Stealing Harvard"


Good god, man! I wasn't serious!

Not to insult you or anything. I mean, whatever you do on your time is your own business. But you watched that movie? Seriously??? And you LIKED it? Did you know Freddy Got Fingered is widely considered to be one of the worst movies OF ALL TIME?? I mean, think about how many movies come out in one year alone! How BAD does a movie have to be before you decide not to watch it???

I... I can't even...ughh.....

The only difference between me and a homeless man is this job. - Creed


Well more like I found it fascinating to watch in a train-wreck sort of way, I mostly saw that film out of morbid curiosty to see if it was really as bad as everybody said it was, and it's wrong on so many levels that I couldn't help but admire Tom Green for taking it so far, and I do have a rather twisted sense of humor, so actually did find parts of it funny, though there were definitely some scenes that I could've done without(like the umbilical cord scene, yech!).


I kind of skipped to the end here cause I don't really care about a lot of people's opinions, but does it really matter? The only reason I am interested is because I am a sandler fan and even I know his comedy has gone down the tubes a good deal since the Billy Madison days. Happy Madison produced Grandmas Boy which most people knew nothing about until it was on dvd and it was a huge hit. Most people are making judgements based on stupid reviews. And it if it sucks...who cares. Onto the next one. As far as Freddy Got Fingered...that movie did go way too far at times, but I did laugh. In this day and age what HAVEN'T we seen. Who isn't trying to do something different and push the boundaries further. The world is *beep* up. Just laugh


I actually quite liked this movie (6.5 out of 10).
I'm a huge Adam Sandler fan which is why I decided to watch it. I'd seen the rating on here and saw lots of bad comments about it, and was expecting a really bad movie. Even after watching the trailer I wasn't expecting much, but it was actually quite funny and definitely not as bad as people make it out to be. I would say Bridemaids was much worse than this and that was hyped up as being the best comedy of the summer, but I found that very boring, way too long and not funny.

Sure some people would classify this as a 'stupid' movie - but some of those can be the funniest, which is the point of a comedy. I wouldn't say this is the best movie ever made, and it's not the funniest either - but it did have a pretty decent story/message and most of all it made me laugh quite a few times. And as long as a comedy does that, then to me it's a good movie.
