Ads have stopped?

Last weekend, all the channels were saturated with Dante and his annoying screaming. After Sunday night, however, I haven't seen a single ad for this movie. Makes perfect sense. My guess: I think everyone knew they had a dud on their hands. So let's not screen it for critics in advance, and just promote the hell out of it with these bizarre ads. Maybe we can break even on opening weekend. Hell, it only cost $10 million, right?

After opening weekend, all the critics who bothered to review the movie will publish their scathing reviews, and all of those who were crazy enough to see it on opening weekend will start spreading negative word of mouth.

In other words, the jig is up. No reason to promote the movie anymore. It's dead.

Has anyone seen any tv ads for this movie in the past 5 days?


they've stopped, thank god. And not a moment too soon.


I agree. I just saw the ads and my ears started bleeding. I don't see how any one could advertise such trash.


I haven't seen any ads. I assume since they didn't screen it for critics they were hoping to bombard idiots with ads to convince them to see it.

Either that or the UN passed a resolution stopping the ads because they were a crime against humanity. Everday 5 people point and laugh at the tv screen showing Dr Dante, as their friends and family members look on in awkward horror. Now, thankfully, the laughter of morons will be lessened in homes across the world.


I am so glad that they stopped.

They were annoying to begin with and even though they only lasted a few days it was enough that if I heard one more of those annoying ads I felt like I wanted to poke pencils into my ears and gouge out my eyes.

Good riddance.


I was counting down the days until the movie was released, looking forward to the day when the onslaught of horrific Peter Dante ads would stop.


Face it, the ads made many not only refuse to watch the film, but want to actively find ways to get it to lose money.


Dare I paraphrase Star Wars and say 'The ads....they've stopped....better not or Darth Sandler may end up coming at me from behind and...GAHHHH! HELP!!! HE'S HERE!!! RUN!!!! HEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!YOU CAN'T MAKE ME WATCH IT!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!

In the immortal words of Socrates....I DRANK WHAT???!!!



I think the ads tipped me over from eye rolling to "I hope this film fails miserably and I'll do whatever I can to make that happen".


Those ads were annoying, but Freddy Got Fingered did the same thing, I don't think the TV previews for that film lasted very long either. A better way to promote the film would've been to have Nick Swardson in character as Bucky for the ads instead of Peter Dante and have him play it to the hilt, at least that would've made sense.


I think the studio went with Dante instead of Swardson to actively promote it because they knew that if they'd gotten Swardson constantly screaming at the TV audience every 10 or so minutes IN CHARACTER as Bucky Larson than everyone involved in its unholy production would have been sent immediately, directly and without reservation to the deepest level of hell at the hands of an angry populace. Peter Dante might be annoying, but he doesn't hold candle to the utter horror of Nick Swardson.

Weenie Wraps intrigue me


Well I find Swardson charming and funny, Dante just irritated the hell out of me, so it's a good thing he didn't have more screentime.


You could have just ignored them, that's what I do when something bothers me.


Ads will be back up again come Oscar season - or not.


Well the ads have done their damage, I still can't get that damned Dante's voice out of my head. "Bucky Lawson! Born to be a stah! Rated ah!"


But Dante wasn't enough was he, they had to stick that weirdo with his goofy eye trick at the buttom of the screen at the end of the ad. Now I'll surely pass.


Haven't seen them in awhile now...thank God!

I have a different take on them anyhow. Those ads might just have been the worst I've ever seen for a movie and I'm thankful for that. There was no way I was going to see a movie after some idiot screamed and laughed like a maniac on TV trying to convince people to go see it. Because of those ads I never bothered seeing the movie opening weekend...and now that I've heard just how horrible it is from some very regretful friends, I won't bother too either.

Black holes are where God divided by 0


Fake ads in this movie. I saw a trailer with Angelina Armani in it and in the movie she was cut out of some scenes in the movie. I heard shes "behind the scenes". Such false advertisement. I wasn't happy seeing a fake trailer basically.
