2.9 on IMDB??? REALLY???

Yeah, this was a very silly movie but I think it's supposed to be tongue in cheek/over-the-top and not to be taken at all seriously. 2.9 seems awfully low....it deserves about a 5. It's obviously not a great film but it's mildly amusing. Stephen Dorff is actually pretty funny in this and a decent riff on how seriously porn "actors" take themselves. Kevin Nealon was somewhat wasted in his role and Don Johnson's character could have been fleshed out more.

I think they really missed a shot at having more fun here....they could have had a parody of "Boogie Nights" in certain scenes, or been more clever with the screenplay. Still, I watched the whole thing, which I didn't think I would do.

I think Swardson is quite watchable as Bucky and kind of endearing, in a screwed-up puppy dog kind of way. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body and it actually lends some sweetness to the film.


I pay zero attention to the IMDb ratings and reviews, but my guess after watching this soft, steaming mound is that 2.9 is being generous. This turd looks like something a bunch of high school kids who thought they were funny (but weren't) would slap together and post on YouTube.


I agree! A 2.9 is outrageous! It deserves WAY, WAY, lower than that. Worst comedy ever!


It came on last night on satellite after "BRIDESMAIDS". My wife
was near unconscious on the couch, and muttered something about "i don't
even know what this movie is.." i asked her "what is it?" and she said
"Bucky Larson....something...."

I told her "oh gosh, this flick is legendary!" and so we watched about
the first 15 minutes..

Saying that it's like a flick that high schoolers would throw up
on youtube thinking they were funny is about the best way to
describe it.. The scenes were interminable.. The characters would just
go on and on and on, and then without warning the scene would end
with no comedic payoff in sight!

We got up to the point where Christian Ricci shows up, and.... after a couple
of minutes we just flipped it off.

I was hoping for some "so bad, it's GOOD!" type comedy, but it was just
so bad it's DULL.

"Tide's up. Time to stay alive...."


LOL....I think that's when I saw it too...hehe.

I expected very little of this movie and it surpassed my expectations. Make no mistake, it's a very silly, minimal film but if you just kinda go with it, it entertains (in the basest way, to be sure). I just think 2.9 is a bit harsh.



Agreed....5 is the perfect rating for this one.



This was waaay more extreme then Orgazmo"
