MovieChat Forums > Riddick (2013) Discussion > Questions about the character of Riddick...

Questions about the character of Riddick and the universe of Riddick

I've watched all three Riddick films but I'm little confused about this character and the universe he lives in:

Pitch Black: Riddick appears he be a human criminal who somehow got his eyes "shined" in prison. He's physically strong and clever but doesn't seem to have any superhuman strength or special abilities. He's stronger than average person but he's regarded as human. No one refers to him as being a Furyan. Johns is able to fight him and and early in the film Riddick taken down by a few people and is recaptured. There's no indication that I remember being made in the film that there are other races in the universe such as Necromongers or Elementals.

Then in the Chronicles of Riddick we learn that Ridddick is a Furyan so evidently he's from another world. He appears to have superhuman strength and we see Riddick fight off dozens of armed soldiers as if he does it all the time.

He battles the Lord Marshall who has special powers and while the Lord Marshall gets the better of him, Riddick is able to give him a fight and challenge him. Yet in Pitch Black, seemed to have a more an even fight with Johns who was a normal human.

Then in Riddick he was the leader of an empire that was taking over the known universe and yet there is no mention or acknowledgment of this at all by the mercs pursuing Riddick. They never heard of the Necomongers? Nobody knew Riddick was their Lord Marshall?

What evil drives the Car?...


In answer to your question, Riddick's superhuman Furyan abilities possibly derive from being in close proximity with the Necromongers. When he's around the Necros, he becomes stronger and more agile. It makes sense because they're two long lasting opposing warrior races clashing together.

This scene is emphasised in the director's cut of The Chronicles of Riddick when Shirah essentially awakens his powers and he performs an energy blast that takes out Vaako and his crew. If you look closely in both The Chronicles of Riddick and this film, you'll see the difference when he's up against the Necros compared to when he's up against the Mercs. The Mercs are able to easily capture him because he is in his rather human-like Furyan mode rather than superhuman warrior self when fighting the Necromongers.

I hope that clarifies things up a little.


As much as this series has become a guilty pleasure for me, the points you bring up are in fact a real problem as far as a story continuity that makes any sense whatsoever.

I think we have to just accept it for what it is and not think about it too much.

In the second movie, they decided to try to take it to an almost alternate reality kind of Universe, as if it was some sword & fantasy kind of epic!??? Whereas Pitch Black comes off as a story that takes place rooted in OUR OWN REALITY, but into the near future where commerce has extended out beyond our own Solar System. As you said, Riddick was presented as a criminal. There is even that scene in PB, where he literally describes himself as a "Dumpster Baby" of an Alcoholic/Crack Head HUMAN mother! I mean, he actually says the phrase "Dumpster Baby"!!

Then in Chronicles, he somehow became a mythical being from a MAGICAL ALIEN WARRIOR race!??... Okie, Dokie. ;)

Just go with it.... Its mindless fun.

Look everyone... I killed a ZOMBIE !!


Not really. He fights off a dozen armed soldiers at the beginning of Chronicles, because he turned the lights out. He can see, but they can't. Easy win for anyone. Unless you mean the prison break scene, in which case he had help in that fight and still lost. Then he fights the grand marshal and loses again, until he gets help from Vako. You're exaggerating his combat skills.


I agree about the vast differences. The two styles of movies are very different. Individually I like them each, but together they just don't seem to work. Different styles and genres.


"Just go with it.... Its mindless fun."

Yup, pretty much.


i would say that johns had been chasing riddick for a long time so he knew what to expect and could anticipate his moves much better since he was so familiar with him. most of the guys he fights in chronicles probably thought he was just another enemy, albeit with a bigger ego.

baby can you dig your man?
he's a righteous man.


I'm a bit late to this but also I think it's worth mentioning Johns was a junkie so maybe that had some effect on his ability to withstand the pain during the fight.


Pitch Black - I don't know if they planned sequels when this was initially made. But I would guess it was originally just a stand alone. So there was no background on Riddick except for mentioning that he was a dangerous convict. The eyes...he lied about them. Johns has been chasing Riddick for many years, he knew his style.

Chronicles - Who knows? I suppose they wanted to go Star Wars with the story. I would say Riddick's special powers aren't an every day deal. They were awoken by the Goddess character just to fight the necromongers. But also because he was in the proximity of the Purifier who was also a Furyan. The prophecy is fulfilled by both Riddick and the Purifier. The only reason why Riddick won against the Lord Marshall was because the Lord Marshall was afraid of the prophecy and he was distracted by Jack/Kira.

Riddick - Why would Riddick tell anyone about the necromongers? And while he was there leader, they weren't taking over any planets which was why they wanted to get rid of him.


He did get his eyeshine in prison, but it was given to him like his other powers, not surgery. This was only really clarified in the video game.

It's possible that no one knew he was the leader of the necromongers. The necromancers are devout religious fanatics, and they are isolated from everything else(and anything the do come into contact with dies). It's possible that none of them were spreading the word to anyone but their own kind, since everyone else is their enemy.


How didnt Riddick showcase Superhuman ability in Pitch Black. He pretty much snapped his arms out of the socket and still manage to lift himself up with dislocated arms. He quickly fixed what appeared to be a broken snapped forearm or wrist. He also wrestled one of those aliens stopping it in its tracks before cutting its guts out.

Im sorry but with how easily how everyone got killed by those night creatures and seeing how well Riddick performed. Its hard to see how people dont respect Pitch Black Riddick Super human ability. Of course as he progresses as he gets stronger. ANd he had that spiritual awakening in chronicles. It makes sense when you realize its all a sci fi movie


I don't know that I'd say Riddick was really able to challenge the Lord Marshal. His fight with the Lord Marshal was completely one sided.


Riddick seems to me to be only slightly stronger then the average human. (I have not seem the extended cut of chronicles of riddick so I dont know how it affects this) But when dealing with really skill full and strong people, they seem to give him a run for his money rather then your average foot soldier.

It's his intelligence and skill that sets him apart from everyone else.


This is what I was thinking too. I've heard the argument about the 'drastic' difference with the Riddick character many times before and always thought the same thing as what you said here. He's the only one to take on more than one of the LARGER aliens and survive, decidedly easily in my opinion. The climactic fight between He and Johns didn't seem like much of a fight. Riddick got the best of him very easily, physically and intellectually (cutting him to draw blood, attracting the aliens to him). Speaking of intelligence, his intelligence seemed to be pretty consistent in all films so far. I think one of the biggest differences between pitch black and chronicles was that, in the latter, there was a lot more voiceover explaining Riddick's careful planning and seemed to showcase his natural ability to read and anticipate others, especially mercs; considering his extensive history with them. Anyway, I think the accused inconsistencies between pitch black and chronicles is highly over-exaggerated.
