MovieChat Forums > Riddick (2013) Discussion > How did Riddick maintain his physique?

How did Riddick maintain his physique?

Did he have some dumbbells, or a Boflex machine, laying around that planet?


Great genetics is my guess.

Maybe Calisthenics and lifting heavy rocks too; pushing boulders etc.


I'm sure he found some heavy rocks to lift.


It's all that wasslin' with monsters and meat eating. Those prime strips he's always gnawing on don't fall out of the sky, you know?! And when he's not playing with his dog he's got plenty of time to pump up in his cave and pose in front of the special needs mercs that are always chasing him around. I bet he's coming day and night, like Arnold.


"Special needs mercs"-<<golf clap>> Well done, sir.
Tooms and his crews for sure, as well Santana and a couple of his guys. Not the sharpest tools in the shed.


Not on the set, but there was probably a gym nearby.


Furious masturbation, forearms like tree trunks.


How long was he on the planet? It didn't seem more than a month. As a guy who hates shaving, my question is how was this guy shaving his head, face, and body the whole time?

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!
