Johns. Dad?

Why did they seem kinda the same age?


Yeah, this is the one thing that kind of bothered me. Riddick takes place 15-20 years after Pitch Black, right? His father only looks about 15 years older than the son did in Pitch Black.


It's actually 10 years.

When is Riddick set?

Riddick takes place five years after The Chronicles of Riddick (2004), which was set five years after Into Pitch Black (2000), meaning that all three movies happen in a decade. It is set in 2196.

Riddick FAQ



The Wikipedia says it's 12 years. Who to believe.


The characters in the film say 10 years.

How do you like that piece of satire?


Some people just age well.
This being pretty futuristic, there may also be cosmetic surgery involved.

Daddy Johns looks like he's used charm to achieve results on more than one occasion, so possibly he's had some work to maintain that...


I guess. Daddy has been in cryo sleep. Thus halting the aging process.

Either that or Oil of Ulay is really good in Riddickverse.


Johns Sr. spent most of his years traveling at high speeds through space. It slowed down his aging process.

The son was a drug addict, despite cryosleep and high speed travel, he aged fast.

Also the comparative youth of the father indicates that he wasn't home often and the reason why he was after Riddick was to assuage his guilt at neglecting his son.


Relative to the effect of cryosleep, time dilation is an additional bonus; the effect of traveling through space at high speeds means that given the type of propulsion used, time passes at different speeds relative to those who travel and those who stay put on a planet: less time progresses to those who travel than those who stay put.


Or it was just bad casting? Sounds more likely than to me.


could have said he was his brother


exactly, why not his brother? why his father? the actor playing the father (forget his real name) was born in 1972, and cole hauser (from pitch black) was born in 1975...

It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack. Not rationality...


happens all the time, parents in hollywood movies and shows are often not much older than the actors playing their children, a good exampled is Indy 3.... Sean Connery is only 12yrs older than Harrison Ford and yet played his father.


He could my daddy any time...just say in'.


Why do people assume these aliens age the same as Humans?

They might look like us but they are not Human according to the series


I thought the Johns family was human and Riddick is alien. It beats me why they got a guy only 3 years older than Cole Hauser to play his dad. I don't know why they didn't simply say he was a brother a la Diehard series, rather than father.🐭


Well remember in this 'Verse they not only have access to technology far beyond ours, but humans or humanoids that look like humans seem to be sperated into different species altogether. Riddick clearly doesn't age normally, the guy wil still be super-strong, agile, and deadly 100 years from the last movie (in fact an "Old Man Riddick" movie or comic would be really interesting.)

I love how the movie partially-crippled Riddick and made him have to come back from extreme adversity, personally this was my favorite Riddick film. Though the animated one and original come close.

Vin Diesel needs to release a web and motion-comic on Riddick, he could do a web-comic/motion-comic podcast and make money back on it and still get to pursue his passion as Riddick as he clearly has a lot of love for the character. I love him, too, Conan The Barbarian meets Hannibal Lector meets Will Graham with a hint of Batman. What's not to love? hehe
