MovieChat Forums > Riddick (2013) Discussion > Why did Sackhoff go topless for this fil...

Why did Sackhoff go topless for this film?

Riddick isn't exactly a star vehicle, and the film wasn't really short on nudity. I was rather surprised when Sackhoff turned up on screen naked.


WHO CARES!!!!!!!!

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2


We're better than the Mexicans!


Why the hell not?! What a silly complaint, she looked great


Too bad we didn't get more of her.

Come with me if you want to live.


She's reportedly difficult to work with and so doesn't really get a lot of roles coming her way. Add in that she's largely type cast to sci fi and well she doesn't really have a lot of options available to her in the acting world.


Where did u hear that she is difficult to work with?
I want to know more
I want to know how shes difficult


It was a good paycheck in a major studio film in a franchise sequel for an anticipated movie that had a chance of box office success, playing a character that survives (and thus has a better than average chance of return for any future sequel), offered to an actress who has largely been stuck in TV roles, and who isn't in particularly high demand. With the only (potential) downside being that minor brief, non sexualized nudity was required.

For any performer comfortable enough with their own body to consider doing nudity at all, it seems like a bit of a no brainer choice to take such a role, really.


in a franchise sequel for an anticipated movie

I don't doubt that this movie has it's fans...Every movie has its fans...But anticipated movie..? With the exception of Pitch Black These films are so average it's not even funny.

Fact: 31.5% of IMDb users wanted Avatar to win Best Picture.
Fact: 31.5% of IMDb users are idiots.


Found the village idiot.


Obese check
American check
Made similar threads on other boards check
White knight attitude check
Virgin check

"Wait!" "Worry" "Who Cares?"


Spot on!


Jealous foreigner...check.


to please the teenage boys this movie is aimed at.


to please the teenage boys this movie is aimed at.

Interesting you say that...

Watching Pitch Black with the crew commentary on - The scene where Radha Mitchell crouches down and looks into the small tunnel where one of the others seems to have disappeared and died. There's a shot where she leans forward and the camera is looking right down her top, leaving little to the imagination.

Comment from (I believe) the director at this point: "Teenage boys everywhere - You're welcome!!"


Works for me




Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway.
