Final Scene

I enjoyed this movie, it was fairly entertaining but the end scene was so unnecessary! Showing Tom Felton's character suddenly start breathing? He's been lying with his guts hanging out for 13 hours and we're supposed to believe he survived and is breathing and wakening up???

The scene even looks like it was an out-take that they just threw in there for some ill-advised shock-factor. Like the director shouted "cut" and the actor opened his eyes and took a deep breath after holding it to look dead for his scene but the camera was still rolling for those couple extra seconds.

Was totally unnecessary.

Also, I was a bit taken aback my Sarah bringing her wee brother with her to the 'safe house'. Sure, she'll be grand but what about him? How's he gonna be safe from her when she turns?


She wanted her brother as her first prey...or wanted to make him exactly the same. Either way, very poor ending.


Didn't that show he's turning into a werewolf?


I agree, the final scene was completely pointless. I would suggest they were trying to open the door for a sequel but that would make no sense because his character has no ties to the family, and the film was so bad it would never merit a sequel anyway.

I then wondered if it was to keep all the Harry Potter fans happy, but Tom Felton's hardly a massive draw in the first place, and if anyone did choose to watch this movie simply because he's in it, they'd surely turn off after the first 20 mins when he gets offed.
