ending (spoilers)

The bit where the chick gets headshot, awesum ending, classic and stamped pwned all over film. Cool film, but her getting shot at end was thee best xD


It was very shocking.

Very depressing but beautiful ending.


Yeh, i didn't expect it at all. It kinda made all her suffering obsolete as she was gonna get pwned anyway. lol. Best ending i seen in ages. The film for me was a 5/10, but when she got shot went straight to 7/10 lol.


I also liked it. The guy with the virus did not lie about they getting killed. : )


For me the best twist was when hubby started coughing up blood, once i realised the story of the virus was real, I didn't buy the vaccine story and thought they would be a nasty end to her.


Gave the film itself about a 3/10 (as I'd already seen both Dead Calm and 28 Days Later, and both of them were better than this mishmash), but Cillian's death (on the Cillian Murphy Onscreen Death and Dismemberment Scale) was definitely a ten out of ten. The only way they might have made it better would have been to have him (pointlessly) blow up after he contracted that fatal disease, vomited blood (into his own eyes, no less!), and took a shotgun blast right to the kisser. Kid's gonna have a tough time topping this one...!


I have no idea what your point is because you do not type very well.


... except for this: what was up with the "stealth helicopter"? (Don't those things normally make a hell of a lot of noise even when they're lurking just out of sight?) Are we supposed to believe that Kate was just so busted up over Martin's death (as for that, how did she get his corpse-- with a hadda-be-messy point-blank shotgun wound to the head, no less-- into that wheelbarrow without getting a spot of blood on herself?) that she didn't hear it? Seemed more like a very silly screw-up with the sound for the sake of a cheap "GOTCHA!" moment.


I think stealth helicopters are just that, VERY SILENT. The idea is the blades rotate at very low rpm and make very little or no noise at all, take into consideration any noise would be blocked from the hillside i think its VERY plausible.


Maybe if it was further away...but I think she would have heard it. Besides if it wasn't in view then the helicopter would have had to rise high enough for the sniper to get a good view, and then hold steady for the sniper to get a good shot. She would have seen or heard the blades before the sniper got the shot. Even a very well trained sniper would not have been able to make that shot from the way it was depicted. It would have been better if the sniper had already been on the ground somewhere...


Yhe but this is called nic picking, besides how do any of us really know what's capable of these helicopters and trained snipers. Only someone in that line of work can really say for certain. I'm surprised this is even being talked about, i agree a sniper on ground is maybe easiest, who knows, maybe they bought a copter for the movie and had to use it lol


You mean "nit picking". And nit picking refers more to complaining about something that is irrelevant...such as the clothes the actors wore or no flat screen HD/internet tv in the cottage. This is not nit picking because it is a critical point of the film and yet it was not executed properly. I agree that we don't know what a sniper is capable of. However, common sense would dictate that in order to make an accurate shot you need to be steady, you would need a clear view of the target, and a straight line from the gun to the target. So unless snipers have bullets that can turn in mid-air then no, the shot is impossible...the way they showed it. She would have seen and heard the helicopter before he would have been able to fire.

If they had already paid for the copter then they could have just wrote in a part with the soldiers coming into view in the copter, then asking her if there was anyone else on the island or telling her to step away from the body and then firing the shot when she said no or stepped away...or they could have shown the copter off in the distance where she would see them and start waving her arms and then they could have fired the shot. It could have been done soo much cleaner than they way it was. I'm surprised the scene even made it into the film like that.


Dude....even in the world of more realistic films they can take SOME liberties. It is a movie....

If you were enjoying it then the lack of sound from the helicopter bothered you than I feel bad for your ability to enjoy a film.


Dude...the scene made no logical sense. Where did I say that I didn't enjoy the film because of that. Instead of defending the idiocy of the scene maybe you should determine what a person is saying before you respond to them...


How do you know she wasn't in some shocked/dazed state where she wasn't registering anything? Look at her face she isn't there man.


So you're saying that she was too shocked/dazed to notice a helicopter? That is even more ridiculous than the scene itself...



Seriously? The chopper snuck up on her and rather quickly. I'm suggesting she didn't register the sound.

Watch it again and stop believing something just because you want it to be right so bad. The music is playing loudly and you can tell the director is showing her in a dazed and confused state. The chopper is behind the hilltop and when it pops up she notices it immediatly, but too late the sniper picked her off quick. Even the way the sound comes back in very suddenly it is SO obvious that maybe she heard it but it wasn;t registering. When she sees it she immediatly reacts.

Stop acting like the chopper was just floating there right in front of her and she didn't notice it.


I think you need to watch it one more time and actually pay attention. In the scene she did not see it...she did not react to it. She stands up straight, a shot is heard, her head flies back, and then the helicopter is seen rising from behind the cliff. Now I don't know what backwards planet you live on, nor what upside down physics you learned...but it is pretty basic in the laws of motion that objects travel in straight lines. And it's basic knowledge that an object will travel from one point to another UNLESS it is capable of changing directions independantly or if forced into an altered trajectory. Now unless the sniper had bullets that were capable of making turns then that scene would have been impossible from a logical physics standpoint. The ONLY way the sniper could have made the shot is if he had view, a straight line to the target, and if the copter was still. That is not what happened. And my post was acknowledging that. I don't give a crap about how much of a daze she was in or how confused she was...I said she would have seen it. Meaning it would have had to be in plain sight to pull the shot off. If you knew basic reading comprehension then you would have understood what I was saying instead of being a tool...


Not trying to sh't all over your breakfast but bullets don't actually travel in a straight line. From the instant they leave the barrel of a gun they drop, slowly at first and then more as they slow down. I guess you covered that when you said "...or if forced into an altered trajectory...". Gravity pulls the bullet down which is why when you look through the sights on a rifle the barrel will be slightly tilted up compared to the line of sight between the rifle sights and the thing you are aiming at. The angle will be so slight that it's not really noticable though.

So, the sniper guy in the helicopter could maybe have shot the woman in the head from behind the rock but the distance required to get so much bullet drop as to keep the helicopter hidden combined with shooters inability to see behind the rock (unlike bullet drop, line of sight is a completely theoretical line so it doesn't drop) combined with the island/coast wind, combined with shooting from a helicopter that's flying in the same windy conditions means that i'm the only person capable of making that shot and i was busy drawing naked pictures of fat chicks on that day.

So you're right, it's horse sh't.

"Cunnilingus and Psychiatry brought us to this"


You are an exceedingly rude person, mic7440. Can you not explain something without calling people names? You come off like a belligerent middle school child.

"I wish I knew how to quit you!" (Brokeback Mountain)


The person I was talking to about the end was just as aggressive as I was. So why do you pick me out and ridicule me? I thoroughly explained that the end was not logical. And anyone who saw the movie can see that the way it was shown was indeed illogical. Again, I thoroughly explained it. So why are you coming at me...??


I have absolutely no problem with the helicopter sneaking up on her and scoring the shot...Sounds? Well, there is the sound of the ocean that can muffle engine sounds and a definite shell shocked state of mind to build the moment ..and a helicopter would be moving relatively fast also..Works for me.
Also, snipers on the ground would have made less sense. They would've been exposed to the virus.


Loved the movie, but yeah, this was my minor quibble as well. Especially since once the helicopter is revealed to the viewer, the sound of it miraculously appears for us as well, and quite amped up as well. So it understandably wants to hit us by surprise in the end, but it makes no sense for her not to hear it way before the sniper can get the shot.


I agree that she was shocked/dazed. There's also the sound of the surf - and the fact that she may, in fact, have heard it. They made sorta a point of noting their having heard planes fly over for a few days, so maybe it therefore just didn't register that much, or she thought it was help arriving - or her doom, and she just didn't care.

As for the accuracy of snipers; I agree that if you can't suspend disbelief to some degree, you'll probably have many disappointing movie-viewing experiences.

I thought this a brilliant, double-shock ending: the
act itself, and realizing what it meant.


I hate guys like you, picking out little details. "She didn't hear the helicopter, therefore the ending is void!" Just go with it, it's a movie, it wasn't attempting to be hyper-realistic.

The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery. -Fred Alan Wolf


Yes, I loved it. Reminded me Night of the Living Dead.

The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery. -Fred Alan Wolf
