
The first episode was a total ripoff of a Law & Order SVU episode. There was a slight twist at the end, but overall - RIP OFF!
Then, do they SERIOUSLY expect us to buy that singing voice as belonging to Jason Lee????? What a joke!
Jason Lee is often entertaining, but he is just campy as all get-out here. If I had to hear him say "Mamma?" like some hicked-up cowboy one more time, I thought I'd die.
I won't be giving this another try. Good to know I'll have a free hour next Tuesday night.


watched first 15 minutes or so, wasn't enough to grab my attention, after the first commercial break, it's 11:20pm, figured i'd do something else and finish the premiere online later, but i doubt i'd be watching it, I did like the bit with Alfre woodard.

Who Knew ten Men with guns where are at the door? THE DROID CONTROL?



i thought it would be a comedy until i set my tv reminder to it and it said it was a drama. At that point I did think it was going to be garbage. Its really hard for actors to go from 4 years on TV as a schticky comic actor and childrens film voice overist to go into actual drama again. But honestly I was pleasantly suprised. Lee still seems a little uncomfortable without his Earlstache but it is only the pilot. Hopefully the show will have enough time to work its kinks out and find its stride. Still don't get the whole singing thing though. I'd also like a linear episode thread. Episodes like Law and Order and CSI bore me to tears but it's not up to me. Pilot wasn't half bad in my book. It's got promise.

I could die right now, Clem. I'm just... happy. I've never felt that before.
