MovieChat Forums > Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) Discussion > One Plot Point That Bothered Me

One Plot Point That Bothered Me

The main thing that annoyed me was when Kirk died of radiation poisoning saving the Enterprise and Spock screams "KHAN!!!!". I'm sure the writers were doing an homage to WOK, but this plot point still left a bad taste in my mouth.


With the 30 odd year gap, not sure it mattered! Only us old geezers even paid it any attention I'm sure! I lived! I had more of a problem with Cumberbatch being Kahn for obvious reasons! ;-/

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7


It should leave a bad taste in your mouth. It was typical Abrams lazy writing. He makes the first trek film a time travel film so that the new story's can be different and fresh only to reboot Khan. Why not just call it a reboot anyway, thats all it was regardless. The first trek movie didn't have to be made for this movie to exist. I enjoyed this film on it's own some but it is a real cop out to remake Khan when there are a million other story's to be fresh. Changing spock into the kirk role for this Khan was dumb. Just like force awakens he just copies films and remakes them with his vision. In the force awakens we get the following from the original star wars

A droid with stolen plans
Another death star
A cantina scene
A trench run to destruction of the death star
Another fall down an endless shaft ( solo's death)
Another young person unaware of the force
Another meeting discussing the destruction of the death star almost scene for scene from jedi.

It goes on and on. Are his films enjoyable, yes to an extent but you have to feel absolutely cheated if you have a brain in your head on his writing. Hell, Lost was very interesting but he said he had no idea basically how it was going to end either. Sorry to rant but this guy is over rated big time.


I put another post and this is more of a question: is it possible for Khan to teleport to another star system like he did the Klingon homeworld?
Other than that, The Star Trek reboots and the last Star Wars made goldmines in profits.
For selfish reasons, I would've like to have see what Joss Whedon would've done with these movies. I loved Buffy and I LOVED Firefly.


I saw the original Khan episode and I thought that this version or rather this different take on the Khan storyline was actually better. Spock yelling "Khan" was filled with so much emotion it gave me chills and, since this movie focuses so much on Spocks and Kirks relationship and Spock discovering his emotions, it fit in perfectly and made the most sense with the plot and theme of the movie. We already know that Kirk sees Spock as a friend so it wouldn't have been as good if he had yelled "Khan".


I almost walked out at that point. I saw it as JJ saying "see? I do get Star Trek. I made a reference to that iconic scene but with my own special twist" it annoyed me, it pissed me off.


I came here to mention this specifically, and was going to post its own thread, and I still might, but I feel the same way.

I watched The Wrath of Khan earlier today, and Kirk's "KHAAAN!" is almost nonsensical. I mean, it's The Shat, so he's overplaying it like usual, but the head bobbing and face he makes, just too much.

Additionally, as you mentioned, I'm not sure where the emotion is. His ploy to get Khan to come down to Regula to face him didn't work, and Khan said he'd just leave him there. But that wouldn't mean being marooned. Eventually Starfleet would have known that their science station had gone dark, and would have sent a team to investigate, thus discovering Kirk and those planetside. What was the scream for? Was the scream supposed to change Khan's mind?

But in Into Darkness, Spock has just lost his best friend. He is overcome with emotion, and flying into a fit of unmitigated Vulcan rage, the kind of rage that their entire practice of Kholinar was designed to avoid. And his rage is being channeled into the one who committed that crime, and he is basically shouting his war cry that he is now coming to exact vengeance.

To me, although I like both movies, Spock shouting Khan's name in ST:ID is far, far superior to Kirk shouting the name in ST:TWOK. It isn't even close.

You're makin'... me... beat... up... GRASS!
