Everything About...

this story is idiotic and I mean everything. Your only way of getting through this terrible movie without rolling your eyes is to completely turn off your brain.


Care to develop ? That's what I thought about Beyond, but not about STID.

"Surrender is death, and death is for pussies." (Kenny Powers)


Care to develop ?

Sure, but seeing how this film is 3 years old and everything I will say has probably been said a thousand times I'll try and keep it very simplistic.

1. Everything Honest Trailers said pretty much covers 99% of the problems with this film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B22Uy7SBe4

2. Everything How It Should Have Ended said. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N15J4ibej8

3. The whole Khan's crew was hidden in the torpedoes and I don't care how many people have probably tried to hypothesis how Khan was able to design torpedoes that would fit his frozen crew and no one noticed this idiotic design flaw much less how would he have eventually gotten his crew in there so they could escape and no amount of BS explanation followed up with "You don't know it could have happened" and/or "it's just a movie" intelligently explains it. Was he just free to do whatever he wanted?

4. Scotty getting onto the super secret spacecraft. If I work for let's say the military and drive around in a government vehicle does that mean I can enter any government facility? And again no amount of BS hypothesis explaining his flying around the solar system and getting on that ship will suffice.

5. The giant new black ops spacecraft that seems to be able to do the impossible and do so with half a dozen crew. This whole concept was insane. Good news people we can pretty much lay off all of Starfleet because we just created the perfect spacecraft and only need like 5 people to operate it even though it is way bigger than anything else we own and get this we built it and no one even noticed.

6. Everything about the Admiral and his insane plots. The whole we needed a warriors mind, here are some new missiles go kill him Kirk, to the let's sabotage the enterprise to start a war followed up by Plan B let's murder the entire crew of the Enterprise.

Star Trek is supposed to be a smart SciFi product, but this film was all stupid. I have not seen the third film but seeing who they chose to direct it my guess is they decided to make the newest film Fast Furious non-stop action that might make the stupidity I saw in this film look tame in comparison.
