MovieChat Forums > Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) Discussion > So what about Lucille/lucy Harewood ?

So what about Lucille/lucy Harewood ?

Do you want her to be cured permanently by a cleary off his hinges Harrisson, or dead after a "racist" pig used her to cut adm Marcus of his brand new top secret weapons supplies ?
When he were involved in genocide because he would, as any racist, belive in "races" despite every scientific evidence of the contrary, moreover that the preposterous so called superiority of his own breed / kind /bigot club could give him a leg to stand on a claim of rightfullness when only commiting heinoud crimes, Lucille would not have a chance to be permanently cured...
Racist bigots believe that sickness is a proof of bad omen.
History books are there to recall what they did about it.


Mass genocide is committed in the Lost world, written by Conan Doyle , isn't it....
I read that book perchance not long ago.
Now i have realized why I would resent Spock if he was not lying trough his teeth about that.
For if he is right, Lucy Harewood is dead, and there are personal reasons I cannot follow that path.
(A racist Harrison/Mengele would not cure permanently a plagued one. To those bigots, disease/ lack of sanity is a proof of bad omen. )

"to tax and to please, no more to love and to be wise, is not given to men"


"to tax and to please, no more to love and to be wise, is not given to men"
