So Lily Cole is real?

This popped up on my Netflix as "suggested for you". I decided to watch it since it mentioned her possibly being a vampire.

I can't figure her face out. She looks like a grown-up version of that old Gerber baby pic, or maybe a possessed porcelain doll.

I thought her face was CGI throughout the movie, but that is her normal look. Very stunning young woman. She has a powerful attraction about here, yet totally eerie. I think I'd take off running if she were to stare me down.

The movie was on the verge of being good. It just couldn't get there. Had alot of potential.


I've always thought that Lily Cole was attractive. She has (in my opinion) ugly feet though. They're like a guy's feet, minus the hair.

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I have never seen a face like that in my life. She had a really wide and flat face, like it had been smashed in with a saucepan.
