Why would the Stiflers need the Bible?!?

I was watching The Book of Love today, and I decided to pause the movie at the point where Rob takes out the cards with the names of the borrowers of the original bible at it. I saw familiar names like Kevin, Oz and Jim from the first part, but after those names I also saw the names of Steve, Dwight and Matt Stifler. Why the hell would they need the Bible?!?

I mean, Steve already had experience before Kevin, Oz and Jim borrowed the Bible. Matt tries to live up to his brother, and I don't think he wanted to use the Bible doing so. I don't know much about Dwight's time at high school, but in part 5 he said to Erik he took out his dick at primary school. That also doesn't sound like a guy who would need the bible to me.

After the names of those three Stiflers, even the name of Erik Stifler is on it! Well, that doesn't make sense at all. When he was with Brandy in part 5, he didn't really act like a guy who had read the bible.

After Erik's name, the name of Mike Coozeman shows up. What the *beep*? In the beginning of part 5, it is said Cooze is a "self proclaimed ladies man". Whould he need the Bible?!?

I do like the movie, but this card doesn't make any sense.

You can check the card for yourself here: http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/9963/23789354.png


Good point, but I'm guessing after using the bible, they became so great?


Interesting... Actually, ONLY Kevin should be listed on the sign-out card. Remember from the first movie, "each year the book is handed down to ONE lucky guy at East." Even if Oz and Jim borrowed it from Kevin, they didn't sign it out as they weren't that lucky guy.

And NO Stifler should need the Bible. Not only that, but they are so arrogant that they wouldn't ADMIT to reading it.


I believe that the names would have only been put on there as a kind of joke, or a reference to previous characters. I doubt the prop guys would have thought that too many people would have paused the DVD to read it. That's why it does not need to make sense in terms of plot. So I think your just being a bit too pedantic, with something as minute as this.

However, if you require some sort of explanation, I offer you this. Just because they had confidence and experience does not mean they would not read the book. Certainly they wouldn't "need" it, but it considering the subject material they might enjoy reading it.

Plus it was also a way of telling others of their own experiences. While they might not read the book, I'm sure that they would be cocky enough to brag to as many people as they can about their "conquests". And this book would be just another format of doing so.
