I loved the pilot!!!!

I guess I am in the minority here, but I really enjoyed the pilot. It was written well, and moved at break-neck speed. Jeremy Northam was great. I just need another episode or 2, to get all of the characters straight.

I do agree with the other commenters who cringed and said, "oh no, not another medical show!" I thought the same thing. But, unfortunately for the 4 or 5 networks, the only dramas out there are either medical shows, or cop shows.
I cheer for Miami Medical, just to keep another "reality show" from coming along. I cannot believe that people actually watch "reality shows".

I was pleasantly surprised with Parenthood, as it wonderfully blends drama with a bit of comedy...... and it is not an insane half hour sitcom, nor is it a medical show or cop show.


It was alright. I honestly only watched it because Omar Gooding (Smart Guy) was in it. Otherwise the show could be summed up in six words. Too much Miami. Not Enough medical.

It was fast paced, which works for shows like 24 and......24. The "Doctor Proctor" line had me reeling in disbelief as I realized that the writers placed a House clone so blatantly and with no direction.

Not to mention that the character development was non existent. I saw more character development in the first episode of The Simpsons than this show.

Compared to other JB productions this is a major disappointment. You'd think that with all the medical shows, past and present, that another medical show could be done right.

Jeffery Lieber show have handed this pilot script to JJ Abrams and Damon Lindelof beforehand if he wanted a viable, slightly interesting show. This is just as boring as his original LOST script. I would have even watched a medical spinoff of LOST with Jack Shephard at St. Sebastian. Oh well, Mercy sucks, Trauma blows chunks, and now i can add this hot mess to the list.


You are not alone, I liked it too, and the viewer numbers show that alot of others did as well. It was the highest watched program in it's slot on any network that night!
