who actually liked the show? It's so nice to see Elisabeth Harnois back on my television each week, and when I found out that Mike Vogel was taking residence at the hospital I was even more excited. I hope the network gives this show a chance!

I'm hearing too many bad reviews about it and would LOVE to hear something actually positive about the show! <3


I enjoyed the show very much. I was glad that all the stories have had happy endings so far. And this is definitely one of the best looking casts in all of television (Elisabeth Harnois is gorgeous and Jeremy Northam is right up there with Nestor "Richard Alpert" Carbonell in my pantheon of gorgeous men).

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


I didn't hate the pilot, there were things I did like about it. But it was a little blah as well, as pilots can tend to be! Still, enough to like about it and make me keep watching and hope it gets better. Sure enough, I felt the second episode was definitely better.

Anyone know how it did in ratings for both weeks?



I enjoy it -- it seems to be improving with each episode (although we've only seen two so far). I just think it needs a little time to develop.
I've been following it on my blog, if you're interested -- the related posts are all here:


I really enjoyed it too. It's nice to see some docs act professionally on TV, that rarely ever happens now. Don't bother with the bad reviews, just enjoy the show :).



I have found more than 1 of these episodes to be emotional and I have so far liked every episode.


I love it!


I *liked* it alot- *past tense* because it just got axed... just another case of the networks pulling a show before it has a chance to develop. In the past, many shows struggled to find ratings in the beginning and went on to become quite successful- like "Cheers" and "Seinfeld". But nowadays if they don't get instant viewers, they're gone....... too bad.

"Falling feels like flying... until you hit the ground."-Tom McRae


Damn, I'm depressed ... I think I'll drown my sorrows in a plate of Pollo Versailles ... (and whatever that green stuff was that Proctor was drinking on the roof)

