andrei arlovski!?

I would soil myslef.

that bully is screwed.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious." -Albert Einstein


I saw it,the bully was talking trash to Arlovski,and Andrei just stared at him,not saying a DAMN WORD!!! Not gonna lie,I got nervous!!



he used to be bullied as a kid,that's why he did it


His career went down the drain because he got soft dating a skank named Patricia for a few months.

Now that she is gone, I am hoping his career is back on the rise.

Love and Compassion are for those who can afford it. I can't.


Arlovski's career was tanking because he has a glass jaw, he always has. It's just that it got exposed in his last few fights. Arlovski is still a very dangerous fighter though, His combination of speed and power is pretty epic and he'd beat the piss out of most HW's. If he fights someone with 1 punch KO power though.....

Edit: I take some of that back. Arlovski looked like crap against Giant Silva. It looks like he might have lost it and could be done.
