Is this a remake?

When the pilot aired a few weeks ago I jumped on Google to see what it was about, and the first thing I ran across was something using the same title, but featuring a woman in the lead, from several years ago. However, when I went back just now to try and find that info again (I had dismissed it as not being what I was looking for at the time), I can't find it at all.

There is a similar IMDB entry, simply titled "Not My Life," about a woman in a similar situation, but that appears to have been a movie, not a series, and I'm just sure the bit I had run across before was talking about a full series, with a female lead, and did indeed use the full "This is Not My Life" title.

Am I just remembering things incorrectly, or does anyone else remember another series of the same name? Maybe, after the new series came out, the older entry was renamed to avoid confusion? Bleh, I don't know. :)

Any info is appreciated.


This the one?


Yeah, that's the movie I was talking about.

I guess I must have misread something regarding a previous series of the same name. If there had been one, I'm sure somebody would have written about it by now, with the new series having finished its first season already (and it was pretty good, I must say).

I wonder if I was reading something off of Google that was describing the 2006 movie, and the article made it sound like a full series? Maybe that's what happened.
