The US version

Does anyone have info about a possible US version of "This Is Not My Life"?
I read that it's just been picked up by a US studio. Which one?
Will it have to go through the pilot process?
Might it be made by summer or fall in the US, about the same time it's aired in New Zealand? I'm thinking of the plot give-away if the US version is shown much later than the original.
Unless the remake is so totally different it doesn't matter.
I wish Charles Mesure could star in this one too.


i wish that he'd stick to this side of the pond, so we could get to see all of his stuff....instead



Pray for DVDs.


the US version is called 'The Prisoner' ... lol instead of floating orbs, we get hybrid cars.


Lol I much prefer the hybrid cars... Imagine what floating orbs would look like with the budget of a NZ program. s/1-3.jpg


The prisoner is a British series. You must have seen the US rip-off of it.


"NZ show takes flight to US" – Thursday, July 29, 2010 ectid=10662060

Lionsgate in the US has bought the rights to the format of TINML and the New Zealand series itself. I hope this means DVDs will be available in the US as soon as it completes its run in NZ. I can't imagine a US remake, especially one without Charles Mesure. However, it was Charles's outstanding presence on "V" while negotiations were going on that persuaded Lionsgate to do the deal.


The international distribution rights and format rights have been purchased by Lions Gate
