Carter Burke?

Wasn’t that ‘Burke’s’ full name from Aliens?

Was that some subtle reference to Aliens, or just a coincidence?



A probable reference to Aliens. Did you also notice that Keyboard's real name, Traxler Vukovich, is a reference to the surnames of the two detectives played by Paul Winfield and Lance Henrikssen in the first Terminator film?


Lordy, and I consider myself pretty well up on the first two Terminator films! I could probably have watched Hardwired many times (if I could stand it) and never spot that!



A probable reference to Aliens. Did you also notice that Keyboard's real name, Traxler Vukovich, is a reference to the surnames of the two detectives played by Paul Winfield and Lance Henrikssen in the first Terminator film?

Definetely a reference to the classic 80s films that Lance Henriksen was in, I caught that at first watch, I did grin.

"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


They also dropped the name Lewis Bodine, the name of a character from Titanic. They also continuously referenced the avatar program. The dude that made this movie has a serious Cameron hard-on.

Why if only we were all wiener dogs, our problems would be solved!
