MovieChat Forums > Celeste & Jesse Forever (2012) Discussion > Read the script (most of it anyway)

Read the script (most of it anyway)

The script started off really great. I was impressed by the writing. Seems Rashida Jones has some real comedy chops as a writer and that's praise from me indeed. I'm usually suspicious of scripts written by actors. Even more so when it's a comedy and the writer is female. 95% of the female written comedies blow imo, so I wasn't expecting much here. But the script was funny. Truly funny.

However, I didn't finish the script because the story started to sag by the halfway point. It made the mistake of being only about the romance instead of having something else drive the story forward while the romance happens. There just weren't enough twists and turns to keep me reading. Usually in a story like this, both characters take turns trying to win back the other, but they're never both single at the same time, until the end of course, when they reconcile. This story didn't seem to have that dynamic. It was just Celeste pining away for Jesse after he hooked up with a new chick, and a bunch of cliched comedy scenes achieving the following: trying to get him back, moping around drunk or stoned, going on bad dates. And that became stale pretty quickly.

Anyway, I'm rooting for Rashida. I think she's great.

