Sympathy for either one?

I couldn't really sympathize with either one. Anna came closest to gaining my sympathy because she at least felt some guilt and apologized for the bald-faced lies she was feeding the poor shnook Alessio. The married dude was a total *beep* - He had no compunction about spending the few euros he earned on a cheap motel room and on a weekend holiday instead of on his family - he was undeserving of family he had (including the in-laws).

I was a bit disappointed anna and the cheater didn't end up together - they deserved each other!


One thing that I have to say in his defense was that he was minding his own business. It was she that called him. He even told her after the first meeting that he had a wife and two kids and they should call the whole thing off.


Just for their friends and families. The two protagonists were too self-centered and selfish to draw any sympathy, at least from me. In they end they really deserved each other until the thrill wore out and they each found someone else to play life with.

The movie was good, however.


no Sympathy at all.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


None whatsoever. They were both total s h i t s, IMO. Apparently, the only people who seem to like this film are other liars and cheaters who could relate to the main characters. I feel pity for them as well, but no sympathy.

"Love isn't what you say or how you feel, it's what you DO". (The Last Kiss)


I'm really tired of Italian movies depicting their actual contemporary life. A little better than animals if they can't control their impulses. Sad that this happens every day in Italy. It's not something I also need to see on screen. There's no beauty to it. I am surprised at Soldini, who made the excellent "Bread and Tulips". All I can think to say is that perhaps this was a personal film, something he had to get out of his system. It wasn't for us, it was made as some sort of catharsis on the director's part. Just an opinion.
