MovieChat Forums > Happy Feet Two (2011) Discussion > Erik's Talent left me disappointed SPOIL...

Erik's Talent left me disappointed SPOILERS


I know there is no such thing as Pengins flying but through the WHOLE movie I wanted to see him do it. I kept waiting for him to actually DO IT. At the end when he sung, I was happy but I thought maybe he is going to not only sing but dance like his father...that would make him unique and unlike the other pengines.

But secretly I had hoped he could fly. (it's fantasy, it's a kids movie...why not make him fly for fun sake)

He doesn't do it. He's just a great singer...that's it. So at the very end I felt...disappointed.

I know people are saying this is a bad movie and/or its a good movie. However overall in the end...I was entertained so it wasn't worthless. I had some chuckles, I liked the cast and animation, the ending did sort of suck but that's life I guess.

Anyone have any thoughts? was I the only one who thought he should fly? or at least have more then one talent to make him stand out more.

Hey Arnold! Save The Jungle Movie!! 100,000 People!!


No, I never expected him to fly. Even though it is a kids movie about talking penguins, they didn't add anything magical in the first movie. So why should they do that in the second one?

I thought it was original to let Erik have a talent for singing. Because I believe the most unoriginal thing to do would be to make him a great dancer just like his dad.


I think the scene in which his talent is discovered is amazingly done. Possibly the best scene of the entire movie. It grabbed me by the throat.

I'm not complaining.


During the whole film I was expecting to have Erik fly too, but with some invention of some sort. Build wings, a big ramp.... and I expected him and his dad to find a way out of the "hole" for their penguin family.

They could have done something more "constructive" with the material they had.

NIKITA : "Elle était murée la fenêtre"
BOB : "Bien sûr qu'elle était murée"



I think the understated discovery of Erik's talent is the strongest part of what is otherwise a really mediocre movie at best.

