MovieChat Forums > The Fields (2020) Discussion > Sex, etc, in the movie ...

Sex, etc, in the movie ...

Just wondering what kind of nudity, etc, there is in the movie if any, have a couple of 12 year old girls that wanna watch this. Appropriate for them? Thanks


none but the movie is so bad no need to have them watch


no nudity, but ignore the other guy, its not that bad, its different, and very unpredictable, and thats something rarely seen in horror these days!, the wrap up of the story could have been better, but its worth watching, you dont know whats going to happen from start to finish, its a bit of a roller coaster ride of creepiness that makes you feel a little vulnerable, this is also something modern hollywood horrors fail to do either, if you like the hard horror format of typical big budget american horror movies. then you might not like it. if you like originality, unpredictability and story's that go away from the normal format, then i think you will at least enjoy it. thats my 2 cents ;), movies arent just good or bad. its never that black and white.



What are you talking about. It was all very predictable that my 15 year old kid figured it out right from the start. All this great talk is coming from people who worked on the film.

Did you even look at grandmas acting in this film!!! and what about the side job with the sister which had nothing to do with the film whatsoever. Stop hyping a film that seriously is not good and there is a reason its going straight to DVD. Because at the film circuit nobody would even think about a film release


i had to read that post twice and still it made no sense to me, your saying cause me and another guy defended this movie, we must have worked on it?, that's stupid. what exactly did your "15 year old" figure out right from the start?, the reason this movie was a straight to dvd is because independent horror movies rarely go to theaters, it doesn't automatically mean its a bad movie, and wheres your proof that nobody in the "film circuit" were talking about it. and your saying Cloris Leechman is a bad actress??, a woman who's been acting since 1947? have no idea what your talking about lol,and your comment made no sense, my guess is the movie confused you or otherwise went over your head, and so you feel the need to come on here and bash it, without backing up any of your claims,..rubbish, stick to mainstream horror movies that make the viewers feel smart by spoon feeding them the same tired topics and the same rehashed horror format they so love in hollywood,


Horrible movie.



Let me say that winning the Buffalo Niagra Film Festival is not much of an achievement when Tom Sizemore wins Best actor for a film thats not even on his resume. When is the last time you seen Tom Sizemore act? Matter of fact none of the films that won anything there ever produced anything

The problem with granny is her acting was way over the top and just downright made everyone cringe at how bad it was. Grandpa was shooting his gun at nothing. You have to make the audience believe that something is actually out there and all we had was a shaking house and a screaming grandma that was out of this world


Tom Sizemore was the BOMB in Black Hawk Down, Yo!

/before you respond, that was a joke. Watching The Fields in about an hour, I'll be back with an unbiased opinion.


I will give you that he was great in Black Hawk Down and even in Saving Private Ryan. But the last 10 years he has been a mess because of his personal life


Didn't like the movie that much. Some parts I simply didn't understand, as if they left out some information. Having said that, Cloris Leachman was the best part about the movie. Great performance.



Ormond was horrible in the film and Leachman wasn't that great herself. She's been in better.

I wonder how it won best picture though at those festivals. Guess there wasn't any competition. The film was awful if you ask me.

Respected journalists or not, this movie was bad. The four friends I watched it worth thought it was bad. Some other reviewers think it is bad.

Everyone likes different things but this film was certainly not one of the things I like. I prefer my films to have a point, a story, not over the top acting, and maybe give me some entertainment value. This had over the top acting, a boy staring at nothing half of the time, and no value at all. No story. It was hard to even watch the film in its entirety.



Movie is horrible...extremely boring and no plot! What a waste of of time...


Lots of nudity, it was borderline hardcore pornography. Your kids should love it.


Can't remember seeing any nudity.


Nobody else seems to have caught it, so maybe the 12-year-olds won't, either. But there are two bizarre, rambling conversations involving the "Eugene" character who works at the dairy farm. Both allude to sex with pigs.


I'm sure this is a little late for you Go-Jenzy, but for others reading this post searching for an answer:

No nudity, but a TON of language. Would easily be rated R on the language alone.
