Now We're Talkin'!

Now this is how a sequel's supposed to be! Thought out, well written, great humor...I enjoyed it. Yay for the Thirst!

Not a word you want to hear in this house.
Catch ya on the flip side.


What? Just watched this today on netflix and was really disappointed. It promised a huge payoff with tons of vampires fighting the frog brothers and then they all just make faces behind a metal fence. What's worse is the lead baddy they fight ends up being some Leonardo Dicaprio look alike. And why after all this time would Allen frog turn against his brother just because the head vampire said differently? I dunno. I really loved the first one, but it seems to be all going downhill. The nostalgia has worn off and I feel ... cheated.


It is a step in the right direction The Thirst. So as long as they include The Toad brothers in the next one, only give them more screen time, everything will be fine.

"No more time to borrow. Dance with the Devil."
