Good trilogy ender!

Everybody loves the original Lost Boys movie, but I have to say, Lost Boys 2, despite making a big chunk of change for Warner Brothers, was sort of a let down for me. I loved seeing Feldman back and I even loved Corey Haim's brief cameo but I felt the story was weak and some of the acting was not up to par. Overall I'd say I do like the film. Lost Boys: The Thirst was a great improvement and is my favorite in the series next to the original. It is too bad not a lot of people saw it due to their dislike towards the second film. I think its a great film and a good series ender. Unless the make a fourth movie.


I agree, wholeheartedly. This one was very entertaining! much better than the second and a worthy companion to the original. 'The Tribe'??'s a decent enough vampire flick but it really isn't a "Lost Boys" movie to me as such.


I agree with you. The 2nd one had some potential. I wouldn't say it's completely worthless but just sort of bland and forgettable overall. The third is a lot more entertaining and memorable.
