Matching by race...

it just really annoys me how any black chick on the show has to get some cheesy black guy. they arent even dreamy.. the white girls get white guysand no other ethnicity. tell me if im wrong. who's to say a better match can't be made with someone of a different ethnic background? itsl iek that episode of south park when cartman kept trying to get the new black girl to date the black guy cause they "belonged" together. lol.

anyone else agree?
no white girl has been set with a black guy has she? and a black girl with white guy? and are there even any hispanics or asians on this show??


I noticed that too, and I was thinking the same exact thing. They are always matched by race, and I think they should be matched by something more than just that.


Maybe the women prefer to date men the same race as themselves.
I agree that the black guys are that are being matched are corny and unattractive this season.
I saw black men that were way hotter and had much more swagger than these clowns the last time I was in New Orleans.


I wonder if it's not the women's own preferences though. I mean yeah it's kind of weird it's always the same race, but maybe they haven't had anyone who was open to it? Or, when picking the women for the TV show, they pick women who are not open to it.

"When someone close to you dies, move seats." - Jimmy Carr


Two seasons ago a white woman was matched with a Black man. I cannot remember the name of the cast member. She wore TOO much make up and exclusively dated Black man.

One Love


In general, it does seem that way; however, this season Elizabeth (white female)'s first match was black--though she ended up moving on with someone else.


that was Taylor, I believe she was Brazilian. And she also had a sex tape with charm from that douchebag boyfriend show (yuck)


Yes, that was Taylor. But she seemed to only date black men anyways so that was knda obvious.
I do hope he sits down with them and asks them which race they prefer. It sends the message that you shouldn't be attracted to people of other ethnic backgrounds, its odd if you are, and they won't be attracted to you anyway.
I am Puerto Rican and rarely find other minorities attractive. Sometimes I find men who are a white and asian mix attractive but mostly I just date white men. If he consistently sent out a hispanic guy...or even more specifically since they are in CA he would prob be mexican I'd be PISSED and have him fix that real quick!
