Excellent film

I've seen WB about four times. It gets harder to watch every time; not bc it sucks, but bc I actually see people I know in these characters. Perhaps that's what most of people are missing out on, and why it doesn't translate well for some. I'm from the deep south, and even have people like this in my family. It's disturbing how dead on they got this portrayal. And Jennifer Lawrence could not have been better. The only downside it that it pisses me off. It's just that accurate that I feel and experience the same emotions I would irl. Amazing work imo.


I agree. I live in Missouri. There are some people in my family who live this kind of life style. The way they were portrayed and the little details was so dead on accurate. Its one of my favorite modern movies.


I love this film a lot. It's so well done I felt like I was right there. A great story, great acting. Jennifer Lawrence has never been better than right here. I'll watch this many times in the future.


Likely in my top ten for this decade, and it's been a pretty good decade!


I've never seen Jennifer Lawrence other than in the Hunger Games which really wasn't my kind of movie, but I thought she was outstanding in this. I've never seen or heard of John Hawkes before either, but I thought he dominated the screen in every scene he appeared in. The scene where he's in his truck with his gun at the ready and a cop pulls up close by was really intense, I couldn't help but wonder what the consequences would have been had the cop got out and approached him. A truly menacing character from the outset but he did at least show a few redeeming qualities in the later stages.

I thought it was a good film on the whole but boy was it grim to watch. It showed a side of American life that we in the UK rarely get to see on screen. Reminded me a little of that God awful bunch of inbreds in Deliverance. Not exactly the kind of people you want to be around.

I watched the movie quite late at night on TV and I'm sure there are lots of details I missed, so I must buy a copy and watch it again. I'll give it a rating after 2nd viewing, at the moment I'm thinking 7-8. As others have said both lead actors should have been in the reckoning for an Oscar nomination.

This means something, this is important.


Yes it is.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.
