A few problems..

Ok I know there is a similar thread on here but it is quite old so I figured I would just start a new one. Just recently ive been watching a lot of animated superhero films, ive never read any of the comics before but Ive always enjoyed the animated films. Just got done watching this one and while I did enjoy it a lot there were a lot of things that annoyed me as well..

1. Why does Superman always hold back? - I know that he doesnt want to kill anyone but thats besides the point, in the final fight with Lex Superman was getting destroyed by Lex, then the second Batman takes off in the rocket Superman dismantles Lex in about 30 seconds, why couldnt he do that before taking a beating and almost getting killed?

2. Metallo fight- Probably my favorite fight on this movie, the only problem I have is how Metallo is killed. He whooped Superman and Batman like it was nothing, even reformed after the explosion from the C4. Then the pure energy guy(sorry dont know his name) killed Metallo, which brings me to my next point.

3. Powergirl killed the pure energy guy with one punch... So how was he able to kill Metallo? Im guessing he didnt have any help because Captain Atom despised killing and from the looks of it so did the rest of them.

4. Why is Batman invincible? I understand Batman has a huge following, but is that seriously the reason why he constantly cheats death and avoids injury? In one scene Batman gets clobbered in the face by Hawkmans mace, what does he do? Oh nothing really just a graceful backflip all the while talking to Superman on his radio... A hit like that would crush your jaw into dust, it would be dangling from his face, yet he didnt even get a scratch or bruise from it. Now the Pure Energy Guy also hits batman square in the chest with his beam, again doesnt hurt him at all.. Yet that guy is the one killed Metallo and I refuse to believe that a human with armor is tougher then an all metal cyborg who can reform itself. That is just a few of the things that happened to him this movie and I dont remember him ever getting knocked out or even close to hurt..(dont mention the part in the sewers.. he was 5 inches away from a blast of C4 after getting thrown around by Metallo, a sore arm doesnt do that justice..)

5. Superman needs to kill Lex Luther, seriously. Enough with the BS "Im not above the law" , Lex has killed tons of people and has tried to kill Superman countless times, tried to take over the world countless times, tried to destroy the entire human population countless times.. The list is endless. If Superman truly believed in saving lives then he would kill Lex Luther.. Killing someone does not turn you into a murderer or a lunatic.. I understand why he doesnt kill Lex Luther, but honestly it makes little to no sense unless you have a VERY black and white view of how the law and human rights work. Doesnt it get a little irritating to see Superman fight the same villian over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again when it could all simply be stopped if Superman had the balls to make the right choice. Seriously Superman constantly talks about saving lives and the right choice, yet he constantly lets people die. In Superman vs The Elite the Atomic skull killed a few people, got caught by Superman and went to jail, he stayed there right? Nope, got out again and killed more people so what was Supermans plan? Throw him back in jail... And also, you know what happens when you murder someone in the real world? You get put on death row, apparently though if you are a super powered being who constantly destroys whole cities and have killed countless people then you are just thrown into the lowest security prison possible..

Now I know ill probably take some backlash for the comments, but its the honest truth about the comics that people rarely ever look into, most of the time it is the simple response of well "Superman is not above the law, he believes that no one is. He believes that killing villians would turn him into one.." that response makes no sense, if Superman feels that way then I guess seeing the bigger picture is not one of his superpowers. TO be honest Superman feels like a poster boy and thats it. To me it seems like DC just wants him to be some angelic warrior who can do no wrong, yet it seems more like he is a super powered entity that cant see passed silly man made things such as "law". I understand the law is important and killing is wrong, but I honestly dont believe killing mass murderers is wrong, it makes the world safer and one less person to feed and groom just to make yourself feel better.

Now dont get me wrong I love these animated movies, ive only just scratched the surface as Ive only see a few of them but these are just a few things that annoy me throughout the series and I wish the writers would make a darker more realistic story sometimes, one where Superman does in fact kill when it is in fact needed to save more lives and Batman is not invincible, would be cool to see how things would play out without this being geared to young adults. Sorry I didnt realize how long this was until after I finished, now that Ive written all this ive gotten myself in the mood for another superhero movie, time to go find one to watch :]

** also if you could then please reply without creating an argument, I know some of the things i said may have come off as harsh but its just my honest opinion and I am in no way shape or form bashing the comics or the animated films, I love the animated films, cant speak for the comics as I have yet to read any.


I thought the real problem was seeing Lex Luther kissing that tub of lard Amanda Waller and wanting to have sex with her! YECH!!!!


1. Superman also holds back as a form of distraction. If the villain is too busy beating up Superman, he won't attack anyone else.

2. Metallo wasn't expecting a fight. He was taken by surprise. Not to mention, he didn't have his kryptonite advantage anymore.

4. Can't argue with the Batman stuff. Sometimes he's just too powerful.

5. Never gonna happen. And not every state has a death penalty. And even if it does, it's decided by a judge and jury. Superman is neither. No one has a right to arbitrarily kill someone whenever they like.

Superman's purpose is not to solve humanity's problems. He's there to help people. He's not meant to fix the world. He's a part of it. That's why he believes in the law.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


I have never been a fan of the whole Batman is invicible thing either, and I like Batman. But yeah even before he took a mace hit from Hawkman and shrugged it off, the part where he one-shots Bane and then Lady Shiva was enough for me. Bane may have cheated when he broke batman's back (attacked him when he was already hurt and exhausted) but he is still nothing to be taken lightly and Lady Shiva has actually beaten Batman at his best, I a fair fight even. I could just hear all the fanboys all like "yeah, look at that! he took them out like a boss" but I was pretty much done after that.

You just killed my girlfriend.....thats actually....kinda pissing me off....huh....


I feel the same way man. Yet all the hardcore Batman fans think it's okay just because he trained for his abilities. It drives me nuts sometimes.
