Superman's behavior

Superman who regards himself as an american citizen should never physically thread or attack an elected official of the US.
He would respect the choice of the people (even if he doesn't approve).
Sure Luthor's a villain, but Superman was way outta line, when he first met with Luthor in the movie.

What do you think?




it made perfect sense. Superman knows what type of person Lex is. Hell the people know. Superman's behavior was dead on.


You've got to be kidding me.
First of all, Luthor has NEVER proven himself worthy of Superman's trust OR respect. He was darn right to be suspicious.
Second, it wasn't Superman who was "way outta line," it was LUTHOR. Superman was willing to come to his little meeting, and he was calm enough. He started to get angry when Luthor mentioned working for him, but he never ONCE attacked Luthor, nor made any move to.
Luthor almost immediately brought out Metallo to subdue Superman, when, in retrospect, Superman had done nothing to provoke him. Superman began fighting in DEFENSE. He was never doing anything he shouldn't have. He expressed his opinion, yes, but that's why we have the first amendment.
Luthor should know that, right? After all, he is the president of the United States.


While obviously annoyed by Luthor's "work for me" line, Superman didn't really get aggressive until he started experiencing the familiar effects of the Kryptonite that powers Metallo, and of course it was all down hill from there.

It's been a while since I read the original story (I know a number of things were cut, just can't remember all of them), but Superman's behavior in the first half reminded me a lot of how he was after he became completely paranoid during the Cadmus arc on JLU, where just seeing his arch enemy come so close to getting into the White House (which ultimately wasn't even his real end game). Supes was blinded by his hatred of Luthor in both animated stories, which works against him and nearly destroys him.


Luther is diabolical. I basically agree with you dude. Superman does have a real bad history with Lex. In the beginning of the comic so I understand, as I think it happens I haven't read it, but Lex will never be good, he pretends s all the time to be doing something nice, but it's all ways a trick. You would think after 70 years Kal-El would know his greatest nemesis a little better.

Cult Leader my mind's frightening, I drink blood from a human skull like a Viking


i don't think superman was out of line at all. he met with the president as requested, then the president conspired to ambush and attack him. superman defended himself, as was his right. if anyone was out of line, it was luthor for sullying the office he had been voted into.

before we get started, does anyone want to get out?


Wrong. Superman knows who lex is and what he's up to. Lex will never change. He's always up to something.
