Power Girls EYES

WHAT the hell was wrong with her face. Her eyes made me think of a Grey Alien.. Damn..


Well, she IS an alien.

s to the left of me.
s to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!


Of course, being Power Girl, the chances of anyone looking at her eyes is very slim compared with the chances of anyone looking at the other two round objects just a little lower...


YES. Totally agree there was something wonky about her whole face. She looked like Tweety Bird to me actually haha


To be honest...I didn't pay that much attention to her face.



*cough..boobs cough*



Yeah, I noticed. To far apart & no nose ridge. I let it slide because, like you wrote, she is an alien after all. I do believe she is Supermans cousin from Earth 2. Same sort of story line as Supergirl from Earth 1.

~^~ YES! It Really IS Me. ~^~
