MovieChat Forums > Straight Outta Compton (2015) Discussion > Zootopia is more Oscar worthy.

Zootopia is more Oscar worthy.

(1) Zootopia is reaching all the youth of tomorrow, teaching them a good moral lesson. SOC, is teaching black children to hate ALL police.

(2) Zootopia's bunny is a minority raced woman. She never gives up or gives in to the racism she faces and kids learn racism is bad.

(3) Zootopia's fox is a black mail. He learns to overcome his choice to follow crime and becomes a police officer.

(4) Storyboarding, technical, editing, software engineers, artists, sound, etc all well above and beyond the standard point and shoot needed to make SOC.

I could go on but if you can't see the difference between a documentary teaching kids to hate the police and that is glorifying rappers that made money praying on youths fears and how that's different from films with substance, then your a sucker making hate spreaders rich.

Don't teach your children to hate the police or anyone! Don't teach hate.


So, why not go to Zootopia's page and continuously post? For you to claim you don't like Straight Outta Compton, you are here religiously. You're not winning at all. Actually, you seem pretty stupid. Why are you talking about what children can learn? STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON IS NOT A FILM MADE FOR CHILDREN!!! It is not the responsibility of NWA or any other BIOPIC (not documentary) to teach children. (hence the R rating) That feat belongs to parents.

NWA told their story and illustrated why they don't care for CORRUPT police officers, NOT all police officers. Why would you even compare these two films anyway? You are a completely miserable ass idiot obsessed with Straight Outta Compton, a film you "claim" to dislike. You've got problems you don't know how to solve and think trashing SOC is the answer. You are pitifully ignorant and don't know it. Acting out is something kids do when they need attention. Pathetic.


Comparing these two films to one another is just as dumb as chewing soft serve ice cream.


The points are going over your head.

You are a real idiot.


Points? You've failed at proving any valid ones.

Oh yeah, you can keep the affirmative token.


Nope. You are too stupid to understand them. Not your fault. You were born stupid from stupid genes.


Damn son, you dim.


Ha ha ha blackavar... You cockroach. Like anyone cares what you think. Ha ha ha ha. L is for loooooozer!


And getting dimmer by the second, looks like.


Poor blackabaraidiotpunkassloser... Sad that no one cares how stupid you are ha ha ha ha ha ha


Aaaaaand dimmer.


LOL Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, a light switch comparison is the best you have! OMG LMAO, what are you like over 50 and over the hill like rolly polly ha ha! You got a big L on your head.




Stupid. SpongeBob1945 Cute but a shame that you do not know the definition of the word. As applied here, the following should provide a little help for j*ck*sses with extremely low IQ's. Ones that complain of long posts because of laziness and being easily intimidated by challenges of complex comprehension .

Stupid (adjective) / pronunˈst(y)o͞opəd/ /ˈstu' pɪd /st-oo-pid/ /SpongeBob1945/ 1. The inability to decipher a biopic from a documentary. 2. Frequent posts on a forum discussing a film that has gathered false claims of teaching hate. 3. Telling lies that are derived from insecurity. 4. Posting comments about Zootopia (a G rated children's movie) on a page exclusively reserved for Straight Outta Compton (an R rated adult movie) 5. Obtaining the nerve to compare the two films. 6. One that pretends to care about the psychological well being of children and exploitation of youth while commenting using sexually explicit posts on a board that children have access to. 7. One that offers random filthy, perverse ideas in unsuccessful attempts to disguise and deflect from a huge lack of intelligence. An act which instead highlights areas of complete idiocy with the highest degree of magnification. 8. A high functioning illiterate believing in his own nonexistent cleverness. 9. Instant response to posts along with the audacity to advise others to get a life, not realizing that his promptness in responding displays the exact notion that he too should to get a life. 10. A thorough J*ck*ss

Don't come for me unless I send for you. There is consequence.......


You're on a page that's exclusively dedicated to Straight Outta Compton posting about Zootopia and you're calling other people stupid? Born from stupid genes? Won't you find someone that can help you with an assessment of the gene pool your ignorant ass comes from, Lol the bowels if IDIOCY.


....and if Zootopia is so much more worthy of an Oscar, why didn't it win?


(1) SOC IS NOT a movie for children and DOES NOT teach children of any race, hatred toward police. SOC displays an awareness to police brutality, misconduct and officer corruption.

(2) Eric Wright laid his previous criminal choices down to pursue a legal and very lucrative business, owner and CEO of Ruthless Records.

Lorenzo Patterson also escaped criminal life to become a professional rapper and entertainer

(3) Oshea Jackson came from a two parent home with parents that fully protected and supported him in all his wishes and efforts. He had a strong enough wisdom to realize unfair practices against him and never backed down from what was rightfully his.

(4) The hard working mother of Andre Young, a strong single parent raising two sons, pushing them to strive for ultimate success in life at whatever they chose to do. Its very obvious today that Dre did that, exactly.

Nicole Young the now wife of Dre has been fully supportive of her husband and their children to this day.

Kimberly Jackson, strong minded, fully supportive wife of Ice Cube and mother of their children still to this day. Approximately 23 years

Tomica Wright, the then fiance and later wife of Eric Wright that stuck by his side through everything til the end like a wife and mother is supposed to.

(5) Please recognize the difference between a documentary and a biopic and also the difference between a children's movie and an adult movie. Know that the two should NEVER be compared to one another as one caters to children with the other (an R rated film) catering to adults.

Do not consider advice given from an obsessively perverse hypocrite that can't stand himself and has no business offering his lying ass beliefs toward children on this board.

I understand there have been more than a couple of complaints that have been submitted due to the sexually graphic and explicit nature of SpongeBob1945 posts to this board.


Wow. How long did you spend writing all that? And to a stranger!

One, SOC and NWA exploit youth to make money and spread hate. You can argue all you want, but facts don't change.

Two. Get a life. : p


With a quick fast response like yours, seems like you need to get a life as well, b*tch. Now, take your ass to some clinic and try to get well from being the sick ass insecure pervert you are.


You just called me a bitch and an insecure pervert for having an opinion. I haven't called you any names.

You are angry and trolling. You are obviously an online bully. I don't care about bullies either. You won't ever intimidate me. ; p


Three. Oh yes I joined in to complain against your ass.


I don't care if you disagree with my dislike for film makers or rappers that exploit the youth.

I don't care if you run to mommy to complain about me standing my ground.

You can't handle it, too bad for you.


No, it's too bad for you. I called you a bitch becuz that's what you're acting like. I don't care what films you like or dislike but to come here and lie is ridiculous. The biopic of NWA NEVER instructed any children to hate police. It is not a children's movie. Any time that you say different, you're lying.

Also it's not for your opinion or the ground you stand but talking explicitly sexual and insulting to people, going so far as to disrespect people's mothers is not necessary to post an opinion. Nobody has to stand still and be disrespected like that. Its pure ignorance anyway. Can you state your opinion without acting like you just escaped some perverted satanic cult?

It's not that I can't handle it but, why try when I know don't have to. Anger has no place in any situation dealing with someone like you. Someone on a website typing nasty disgusting responses will never posses enough caliber or talent to make me angry. Several people agree, you need help.

Its not about running to mommy either, I was raised old school and trust, my mom would still be beating your ass for posting the disrespectful things you post.


They've all been copied and sent. You did that to yourself. :p Nothing but a fraud acting like you care so much about kids. Don't you know kids can read and are probably on this site reading every bit of that sexually grotesque nonsense you post? I mean really......


How does NWA and SOC exploit youth? Why is that the conclusion when on every NWA recording is a sticker that, by law states PARENTAL ADVISORY. PARENTAL DISCRETION IS ADVISED. SOC is an R rated film which means RESTRICTED. When kids find ways to sneak that passed parents, its not the fault of NWA.

Stop scapegoating. Stop claiming the exploitation of children's fears, stop with accusation of teaching and spreading hate.

Just admit that its really YOUR fear. Admit that your kids are more clever and give them credit for using more brain power than you. Whatever you do, lying, blaming songs and blaming movies only displays parental cowardice. NWA has NOTHING to do with that.


Probably no longer than it took you to number and write yours to a stranger, SpongeBob1945.

Oh yeah, you can keep the affirmative token.





How old are you, like 12 or just act like it?

(my bumper sticker)


LOL! Ha ha ha, that's exactly what a 12 ye old would retort with! Ha ha ha!!! OMG ROF LOL!!!



A little orgy now and then never hurt anyone. LOL. Your mom was in many of them. I might be your father. You write too much. Get a life LOL. ; 7


Write too much? Get a life? Maybe your nosey remedial leveled comprehension having ass needs to read more and try to come up from the rock bottom trenches of idiocy. You've had an immediate response for each post so, you need to get a life too. Stop complaining about posts being too long and try learning something.

You? My father? Sissyboy please. Stop popping and eating bunches of hallucinogenics. They've got you talking crazy and destined for a place your sick ass can never come back from. Also, contrary to what some ppl believe don't you know that perverse selfhating f *gg* ts claiming to care about children (but really don't care) are totally incapable of being fathers?!

Your sadistic mentality (that stems from fear) is irreversibly damaged from not receiving proper guidance as a kid. Limited on knowledge and intelligence, you resort to tones of sexual sadism in response to compensate, thinking that it's clever. You are the last person to be trusted around children, you aren't fooling anyone by coming to Straight Outta Compton's page to post about Zootopia. Who does that? A ph * ckin idiot for real....

Should've listened...and let idiots be. Spawns of Satan cannot be helped. You actually WANT to be the way you are becuz you're too damned terrified of being anything else. You're horrified by any type of positivity you're just a damned evil ass dummy destined for a highly self destructive ending just like every other b*tch I've witnessed fall. Lol!!! Back on the ignore list, a lifetime membership of being a j*ck*ss and a loser! Lol!! Lol.


LOL. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Wait, gotta ejaculate in your moms back door. Ahhhh, nice. Okay. Back to your novel you wrote.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ah ha ha ah ah ha ha!!!


Hey kid. Been going through through your postings here on IMDB and by no doubt it really shows your true colors shine. You truly are a raging keyboard warrior. Lol. I'm actually working with a lot of mods and admins to work on your ban so you can stay off IMDB message boards.
I mean really though, I don't think anyone whose older than a 90's kid would have their email, username, alias, etc. have "Spongebob1945" unless 1945 is the year you're born then you are truly sad and really need to die because you are that old, lol. I mean actually do know what you are, you're practically 70 years old and don't have much years to live and probably have cancer or something that's making you suffer. No wonder you're taking your anger on the internet. I see.
I mean look here
You truly have issues in the brain. You wanted to punch him in the face because he pm'd you about a place where to meet up so you can fight him when you guys can discuss, and you haven't even replied. That shows to me that you're actually scared.
Why would you say you wanted to punch him in the face? LOL. You can't fight worth *beep* Where do you live exactly? Come here to Santa Clarita, California. You're definitely going to get the beating for causing a lot of trouble online. It's funny 'cause me and ryanonbass93 were just talking about how truly sad you are on these message boards.
You need to get out more, stop imagining you have a wife or someone to care for you You because nobody likes you ever, not in this world. Good luck with your death.


Hey wasted sperm, this thread is for movie critiques. Not writing a novel length story no one will read. I know I haven't. Too long loser. No one cares. So I defend myself on occasion from Trolls like you by dishing back your own medicine to watch you cry as you can't take what you give out. LOL. Get a life!!!


Blah blah blah, nobody cares and nobody can't understand you because you are clearly STUPID AND SUCK a lot of dick. Enjoy your ban. You're officially blocked and will be getting permanently banned soon. Your tears are delicious because it's obvious you can't take anyone's words. You stupid 70 year old man. Thank you for being my puppet and making my day.


LOL. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! OMG LAMO! Ha ha ha ha ha...!!!


Yeah, this troll is by far the most toxic person I've stumbled upon here. Just report him and possibly try to get one of the admins and mods to permanently ban him so he can stay off the message boards and make this community a lot cleaner. I mean just look at his name. I don't think anyone whose older than a 90's kid would have a name "Spongebob1945" unless it's the year they were born, then I honestly I already feel sad for this man.
I recently was exchanging words with this idiotic troll and he would just type in so much anger when everyone already told him then he clearly got offended by everything... lol. I truly feel bad for him. He claims to havea wife and that he married really late which I really doubt it, not with his type of behavior.. lol. I mean he's close to his 70's for crying out loud and he's still doing this? Lol. It really boggles my mind to see a keyboard warrior take out his anger on the internet just by doing this in every single thread he posts. It's all good either way though, I know he's probably dying from cancer or a really deadly disease so he doesn't have many years to live from all that unhealthy lifestyle he's been livign doing drugs or from obesity, etc. Pay your respects to this old fart. lol


I totally agree with you.

We're searching for Academy/Oscar diversity yet blacks teaching hating the police a la "Straight Outta Compton" get praised for being a "positive influence" for blacks in Hollywood(HUH?????????????)

All comments=my own opinion not reflecting my voluptous pinup profile girl, Courtney Thorne-Smith


You may be the smartest person on this entire board. Well said.


Lol!! I know you ain't talking with all the X Rated sexually explicit filth you have posted on this board SpongeBob1945. What do you get out of fronting?

So y'all just want to continue on with this mess despite the fact that this movie and NWA's music was not made for the purpose of teaching and that especially goes for children. Keep going on despite the fact the film is Rated R and the music has a sticker that says Parental Discretion Is Advised. Guess that doesn't count when kids have parents that operate by a hypocritical way of thinking. I see that there is absolutely no way to make hypocrites realize simple truth. Well, carry on but try remembering that Scapegoating is a coward's tool.

Don't come for me unless I send for you. There is consequence.......


I interrupted my bbq for an email notification and this is it? An angry loser ranting nonsense again! Get a life. Blah blah blah... No one cares about you. No one cares what you have to say, Troll.


Apparently, you care. Who offers response to things they claim they don't care about? And with an IMMEDIATE response at that. Just about every response you've posted screams the direct opposite of what you've stated in your post, you're a see-through hypocrite. One more time for the remedial(s), SEE-THROUGH HYPOCRITES EQUATE ZERO POWER AND ARE TOTALLY INCAPABLE OF




You are one crazy incoherent troll.


I guess so to a below remedial level coward. Truth is only incoherent to hypocrites that are terrified to face it.


@gcarras Actually, NOT ALL BLACKS are searching for Academy/Oscar "diversity" because we know better. Its already known it won't correctly happen whether our films deserve Oscars or not. Oscar history has shown over and over again due to fear they'll never relent to practices of fair judgment.

The first mistake here is, too many hypocrites topically agree on the word "diversity", which is a reluctance to address the real issue. By adopting usage of the word "diversity" into vocabulary as a substitute for "racism", it might as well be a grant of permission to continue being excluded and have our efforts walked on. Its just a pacifier of sorts that allow the guilty to stay hypocritical as they get away with many forms of prejudice. Prejudice which is a form of hatred.

Blacks cannot fight for Oscars or anything else if being programmed to change vocabulary is allowed so it eases the minds of those that think we can't decipher that "diversity" is a punk out that really means racism. Its impossible to fight when cowering down. Its almost like letting the doctor treat a common cold when he knows you really have cancer and then, you skip home thinking things are ALL better. SMH.

Prideful people demand truth and respect and are not interested in fighting for sugar coated causes in a way that allows the opponent to save face. Until a better plan to dismantle "diversity" nonsense is put into play, a lot of blacks refuse to care until the real fight begins.

NWA and SOC teach hate? I guess for some but if you think about it, NWA's idea of F Tha Police derived from abuse of the badge, brutal mistreatment on the undeserving on a regular basis. They spoke against police misconduct. I have NEVER heard instruction to hate police come from NWA. People's common sense should tell that they were talking about bad cops only. I think y'all know that.

If anything, the Academy by its actions, teach hate through prejudice and racism and it looks as if you've done a great job of learning it their way. Go continue ignoring discrimination and and accepting teachings of "diversity" (racism another form of hatred) Many people don't picking up on it becuz they're to busy trying to place things on NWA. (Just like you've been taught)

SOC doesn't teach hate unless you mean hatred coming from corruption and misconduct of the law. A large population of the country had no idea these things went on. We had no clue. I'm glad it was brought to light. At least admit it brought forth awareness. Praise comes about because it got my attention enough to make certain my brother, son, cousins and nephews don't fall victim to that behavior and aren't somewhere being slammed to the ground and mistreated for no valid reason. Yes, that part deserves praise.

The film has an R Rating, all recordings Parental Discretion Is Advised.Only vulnerable minds can be taught negativity. Only vulnerable minds can be taught "diversity". Its up to parents to ensure children aren't harboring vulnerable minds. Its a parent's job to teach, NOT movies, ESPECIALLY THE ONES THAT HAVE AN R RATING and NOT music, ESPECIALLY THAT SAY PARENTAL DISCRETION IS ADVISED, and certainly NOT NWA.

Don't come for me unless I call for you, there is consequence.......


How long will it take? Please highlight the exact excerpt that proves NWA taught or told children or anyone to hate police. This Rated R film that has a sticker on it that says PARENTAL DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

Why is it okay to falsely claim NWA teaches hate and why have you allowed yourself be trained to stand down and conform a la the the Academy's press package? How are you that pliable to actions and statements that reinforce weak minds to address RACISM (another form of hatred) by something less threatening hence the name "DIVERSITY". The "diversity issue" by that name is just a decoy to allow enough wiggle room for the Academy to squeeze on by (again) without addressing the real issue which is RACISM.

Brainwashed and taught the practice of scapegoating so real culprits of hatred can stay hidden and continue with being underhanded. Meanwhile, NWA is to blame for hatred. The academy has taught hate for decades by standard and rules made to exclude what they don't like. (Blacks) Nobody has anything to say about that though. The academy can practice and subliminally teach hate by way of racism. (I mean diversity) It's perfectly alright as long as hypocrites can go on being hypocritical and have someone else to blame it on.(NWA) That's different, right?


This n!gga...
