MovieChat Forums > Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012) Discussion > What's the other movie that was similar ...

What's the other movie that was similar to this one?

I saw another movie that was similar to this one recently, I think it was also about some people on an island, but I forgot what it was.

It had a scene with a big dinosaur, and one of the characters said at some point "don't worry his brain is only the size of a walnut", later on they find a 4-foot-tall gift wrapped walnut from the dinosaur.

What's it called, anyone remember?


the first journey movie? took place on an island with dinosaurs..

I'm a 401 year old vampire and My life insurance policy has just ran out


Wasn't the first journey the one with Brendan Fraser, where they go to the center of the earth?


yes but I though their were dinosaurs there too or some large animal with a brain the size of a peanut lol sorry going from memory...

I'm a 401 year old vampire and My life insurance policy has just ran out


Aha, I found it, it's "Land of the Lost" with Will Ferrel!

Here's the clip I was talking about, with the walnut:
