Damage to the island...

If this island sustains that much damage every 140 years, how is it still there? The Nautilus would have been destroyed and surely Atlantis would have after thousands of years... I know it's a movie, but still...


I was thinking the same.

Plus, after the island rises back out of the ocean, where does the flora and fauna come from? For instance, all of the giant lizards and tiny elephants must've died when the island sank, so how do they return when the island is up again?

I have a new philosophy. I'm only going to dread one day at a time.


Just another dumb movie written bu dumb people.... verisimilitude, something they clearly have never heard of.

Glow sticks that last 4 minutes or so.... wtf?


...erm, it's a MYSTERIOUS island. The clue is in the title!

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


So that excuses it from making any sense?



Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2


What a thought provoking answer.


Well I put a lot of thought in to it .



I thought the same. Actually the island should have sunk only without any damage. I think that means that the island is more or less gone forever, that's definitely a big movie mistake!


Considering it is a mysterious island they can go anywhere they want with it in this story.
