Pennywises hair

They showed the wig on instragram and it looks so wack lol


it looks stupid, you mean. It looks like Larry from the 3 Stooges.


Wack, stupid, nothing like a real clown same thing


Pennywise isn't a real clown dumb ass


I saw the same pic a few hours ago and was at first like 'what? that's weird. looks too human.'

But the more I think about it, and the suit design, it makes sense: IT is an alien, replicating the impression of a clown. His suit is ancient, which reinforcees the idea of how long he has been stalking the earth. His hair is more naturalistic than a clown wig. He is the embodiment of a living clown.



Sure the link is and he just put up a mask they use to spray on his face I really don't know about it ...



Play with monkeys, put bananas in hidden places


looks awful



Exactly, a human clown named Bob Hray, personally I think this makes Pennywise more disturbing. Almost like an "uncanny valley" type of thing


Yeah that's a good analog.

"When it is close to, but not quite, human, people develop a sense of unease and discomfort. If human-likeness increased beyond this point, and it became very close to human, the emotional response returned to being positive."

"...the eeriest combinations are those where happy faces were paired with fearful or angry eyes, possibly suggesting the agent was trying to suppress an unpleasant emotion."


Noe that I think about it, maybe that was King's intention. Cause if I remember correctly Pennywise's mouth is described as "a scream turned upside down"


Anyone else think it looks like Jack Nicholson's hair?


In the novel I thought King described Pennywises hair as Devil like horns. Like it's stuck up or something. I like the new hair. Looks crazy and devilish like horns.


"Tufts of red hair on either side of his head" I believe it was.


I did not see red hair that was brown hair. At least it looked like it in the pic. Did not look clownish enough.

The scary clown doll is hiding under my bed.


The only thing I can't really get behind with the new Pennywise look is the big bottom lip and buck teeth. I don't know what's going on there, but who knows what you can really tell from a doctored promo photo.
