change in the show's dynamic

I was kinda disappointed in last season because the show seemed so scripted . .. i hope this new season goes back to their more real conversations rather than the obvious trying to "remember their lines" . . .


billy is on drugs. looks at his eyes he looks like hes spent the time between this season and last doing *beep* loads of crystal.


Yes, Billy does look like he's on drugs. It looks like he's lost half his boddy mass, his eyes are sunken, and he just looks ill.
What happened to brother Ricky and Billy's wife? Billy is now solo on all of his jobs unless his dad goes with him.


YES... we were noticing how different billy seems. he doesn't have that happy vivacity and serenity. he's not excited about the jobs or working like he always was. he seems more angry, quick to be frustrated, and has more general negativity about him.

And let's talk about his change in appearance. he looks and is gaunt and thin, and his eyes look very tired. (Related- why did he keep wearing his sunglasses that night after dark when he was chasing those rats at the homeless mission?)
-- and as an aside, where is ricky and the other family member segments?

anybody know what's going on? I hate to say, but it's almost painful to watch. and seeing billy repeatedly do almost stupid things(repeatedly!) during that honeybee job in the brick house, it was just not entertaining!


Yeah I totally agree... That's why I came here to see if anyone else saw what I saw. The post above is word for word how I felt. Billy's just lost his edge, isn't having fun and looks and sounds really bad. He used to be really into getting technical and just "centered". I'm not super up on what drugs make you look like what but there is something going on there. On the other hand, I don't like it when people jump right on "it must be drugs" because that's not totally fair, he could be sick or something so I won't assume anything but something is different.


Alright then...maybe he is sick so he's self medicating with drugs!


I couldn't believe he did that dangerous honey bee job in the brick house with no bee suit! How stupid! Were we supposed to be entertained watching him get stung numerous times?


My main tv went out a few weeks ago and I'm using an old 20something inch box tv.
I guess not having HD anymore I can't look at people and diagnose exactly what drug he is on like some of you guys.

I'll have to speak with a rep at Best Buy to make sure I get a model than can help me see stuff like that.


LMAO Breesus!! I've got a 40" Bravia and I'm not seeing it quite like some of the others too.

I'm watching Billy right now, just watched the first of the latest 2 episodes. The dynamic of the show has changed, I agree. I don't like the opening theme at all. The original was great, very fun! Too many episodes seem obviously staged and the "bad acting" is hard to miss.

Body-wise Billy looks fine to me. His arms are muscular, he handles himself well for the most part. If he's on drugs, I don't see it. To me he's looked very stressed out lately. We don't know what's really going on in his life and I don't think it's fair to quickly jump to conclusions. Maybe it's Ricky who's sick and that's why he hasn't been on much lately. Maybe Billy and Mary are having marital problems. Maybe Donnie & Bill are. Maybe somebody died. Maybe this, maybe that...

I just watched the episode where Billy safely removed a bee colony and I really enjoyed it. I lmao so much at Big Bill and his new goggles, hilarious! First show I've seen in a long time that I truly enjoyed and it felt like good times again. The show I'm watching now he's really hamming it up, lol. All that snake in the pool drama was over the top...hahahaha.

Hopefully the show is getting back on track, seems like it with these lastest 2 episodes. As for the brickhouse bee fiasco, I'm simply speechless on that one,


He was arrested on drug possession.
