Where's Dr. Steve Brule

Wine was invented by the Romans, for orgies. But orgies aren't very fun when no one wants to do it with ya.


HAHA, that is pretty dang funny. I wonder if he will be in there, maybe you just accidentally spoiled it for us all.



No he didn't spoil it. Patton Oswalt and his shtick is something to look forward to though. As well as some of Eric and Tims stuff is pretty good as well. But, no For Your Health in this flick. This is more of a AZ wine film then I would say a Maynard film. Well its about 50/50. It does get a little silly at the end though, I think they should have chosen a different way to get their message and point across. But what do I know. Not much, but more than most.

"I wonder who Flossie's fleecing now?" Spencer - Brute Force


For your health!!!


Just got back from seeing it in Detroit. Loved it. Very eduacational and Tim and Eric and the rest were hilarious.
