9-11 Truthers and the Annunaki

I met a man the other day who tried to convince me there where aliens called Annunaki that take human form and have infiltrated every countries government. He says he really believes this to be true. But this guy works at a fast food place and just goes to work everyday. If he really honestly believed in the Annunaki then why go to work? If I believed aliens were infiltrating our ranks I'd want to quit my job and dedicate my life to stopping them. So did this guy really believe in the Annunaki, or is his life so devoid of purpose and meaning that he just over fantasize about these things in order to make his own life less dull? So, are 9-11 truthers the same way? If I honestly believed that the U.S. government had plotted this disaster and killed thousands of their own citizens then I'd devote my life to proving it or I'd at least move to another country. I think most truthers have little excitement in their lives to indulge in so they create these fantasies that they themselves don't actually at their core believe in. Because if they all believed it to be true then how come most of them still haven't left the country, or aren't doing everything in their power to fight the lies...I know some truthers are very active but all of the truthers I know sit around discussing it amongst themselves or watching shoddily made documentaries about it...

“This is everyones fault but mine”
