Why the movie didn't work....

The title of the movie is Helena from the Wedding, so you go in with expectations that Helena is going to descend on the scene and be this woman who has it all: beauty, brains, a great personality, refreshing, etc. But I honestly didn't find Helena to be that great, and certainly not so great that a man would consider cheating on his wife for.

I think of a movie like "Beautiful Girls", when Uma Thurman comes into the movie and is just so awesome and the perfect woman basically, it's no wonder everyone hangs on her every word, and no wonder men are desirous of her even if they're in a relationship.

Helena = boring = yawn. Yet her character is the title of the film. Her character is the one that's going to come into the picture and inspire all the men to be mesmerized by her??? Nope, didn't even come close. Maybe if they cast a better Helena who brought some life & lightness to the movie, I would have liked it better overall. I was actually more interested and drawn to the woman who was pregnant!! lol.


I'm about a third the way in and ready to jump ship. There are way too many "real" moments, such as the five minute opening of putting groceries away and every new character who is introduced taking time to hug and greet six other characters. And I can't stand the lead actors eyes and meaningful gazes, very distracting.


There was a movie a few years ago called "Kicking and Screaming". This one here could have dibs on "Standing and Staring". It's basically Eight Characters in Search of an Act II, which never quite occurs. Dialogue is at a minimum. Action is essentially non-existent. Some good actors here wasted on what appears to be a 1st year film school project. While I wasn't exactly expecting a Jason Statham movie here, the camera does, at various times, focus on a rifle, a knife, an axe, broken glass, and an arrow. Never saw so much weaponry brandished in a film where nobody sustains an injury that would require so much as a Band-Aid or Neosporin. You keep expecting something to happen but........................
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... and roll credits. Go home, folks. Nothing to see here.


The movie is a lot better than what you are saying.
I liked many parts of it, such as the symbolism of the missing piece.
Helena is just a trigger for Alex's midlife crisis which is what the movie is about. You expected too much of Helena and failed to pay attention to other things.
