At the very end...

I don't understand why he says he'll see them in two days. When I first saw this in theaters, nobody knew as well. And now that I've seen it again, it still bothers me because I want to know!!

Any ideas?


I think it just means that he's going to visit the memorial again in 2 days... that's all I can think of... unless he knows that he's going to die in 2 days, but that's unlikely

"The world moves for love, It kneels before it in awe" - The Village


Thanks... I haven't checked the boards in a while but that makes sense. At the time I was also speculating with others whether he was going to die in 2 days, maybe by suicide, but we also thought that was a bit unrealistic and depressing.


It actually translates into "one day." It's just an expression meaning one day I'll see you again.



My first language is Mandarin. He says “过两天再来”, which literally means "come after two days", but it's really just an expression of I'll be back again soon or I'll see you again soon. It's sorta like "one second", you don't really mean you'll take only one second.

TL DR: Actual translation means I'll see you again in two days, as in he'll come visit the memorial again soon.


Yeah to the poster above... i'm Chinese so let me help out here. It means "i'll see you again" or "I'll be back soon to see you again" in English~ Not literally meaning 2 days.


Thanks for the explanation!

That seems like a pretty major issue to leave on the part of the translators/subbing, especially considering it's the very end of the movie. I can't imagine any Westerner being able to figure out that "two days' wasn't literal. It left me wondering if he was going to commit suicide in two days.


Did he really say "“过两天再来”" ??


Who the hell was that guy in the end?

did I miss something?


again Google has the answer for everything.....

about the man at the very end.


I thought "in 2 days" meant he was going to kill himself or he would be back in 2 days to visit. Wasn't sure which. Good to know what he really meant!


He's a real life survivor of the 1978 earthquake.


I've just watched this on television.
The subtitles that appeared read;

"I'll come to visit you again"


I thought the reference meant that he would visit again in two he did two days before that...and two days before that...and... Which means he never forgot his loved ones and never will - so much so that he returns to the memorial on such a regular basis to show the depth of his love.


As spoken by Mr Song at the end of the film: "过两天我再来看你。"
=> Literal translation: "After 2 days, I will come again to see you." 88%91%E5%86%8D%E6%9D%A5%E7%9C%8B%E4%BD%A0%E3%80%82
As translated by Google: "I'll see you in two days."

The above might simply mean that he is planning to visit the memorial — or rather, the memory as represented by the inscribed names of his lost family members — again in 2 days' time.

However, in Chinese, "过两天" ("after 2 days", "2 days later") is also a colloquial expression implying "soon" or "in the very near future" — & not necessarily referring to a fixed number of days.

"再" means "again". This implies that Mr Song has been visiting the memorial on a regular or periodic basis. As such, his entire statement has nothing to do with (his) impending death or suicide, as some might have thought.

A similar but more succinct expression would be: "过两天再见。" — meaning: "See you again in 2 days." or "See you again soon."


Thankyou, that is very helpful 
