MovieChat Forums > Prisoners (2013) Discussion > Hugh Jackman no Oscar Nomination?

Hugh Jackman no Oscar Nomination?

Just rewatched this movie. He is unbelievable. Gyllenhal was great too, but I think Jackman had the best performance in the movie. Really tough competition in 2013, but I think he deserved a nom... would he have been lead or supporting?


He should have received an Oscar nomination for Best Actor -- that was quite a dramatic and well-nuanced portrayal from this versatile actor!


Jackman should've won an Oscar for best overacting in a leading role. His overacting just screamed "hey look at me I AM ACTING!". Jake was better (at least he didn't overreact), but I didn't get the whole eye twitching thing.

Seriously, Hugh takes himself way too seriously - when he screams, cries, yells...Just relax already...


its a wolverine residue...and probably jake gyll was having an aneurysm at how badly his character was set up (oh he never had a case where he didn t solve it, was the line i think or sth to that extent...really? one crappy line and you re the best detective on


To be fair, the wife told him that his captain told her he'd solved every case, he didn't respond to her. The Capt. was probably trying to make her feel better. There's just a little too much ambiguity there for anyone to say it's true or not true.

"Go Ahead, Make My Day."
- Die Hard, Stallone


He didn't overact at all. I felt his emotions were appropriate as does every single person I know who saw the film. Also, you have to know close to nothing about Hugh Jackman to think he takes himself too seriously.


he definitely should have been nominated. that's the best acting i've seen from him. was so good


I just rewatched the movie and I had to check and see what awards this was put up for. I think he should have gotten a nomination, but as leading role or supporting? The leading role to me is Det. Loki, but Jackman's character plays a very significant role as we see both of their stories onscreen from their perspective.
Anyway, Jackman had some fantastic scenes, but just a few times he goes over the top with the yelling, they could have trimmed down a few scenes or taken out some of his dialogue. Everyone did a fantastic job with their acting, except maybe for Keller's son and his wife, I'm on the fence with what I think of them.

"Go Ahead, Make My Day."
- Die Hard, Stallone


Agreed. Jackman did a wide range of different emotions in this one and the hate and fear in his performance was terrifyingly real.


He was terrible


I also thought he did an amazing job. My favorite acting role for him (outside Wolverine) in years

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.


It is his bet role but neither the role nor the movie is award type material.


I think Les Miserables was his best film role and The Fountain was his best performance. I'd put Prisoners as third. I do think he deserved an Oscar nomination though.

