Favorite Scene?

This is my all time favoite suspense movie and I am having a hard time deciding which scene is better between:

When Loki and Keller are in the cruiser and Keller goes off on how his little girl is expecting him to be there to save her and Loki has to calm him down.

Or when Loki arrives at the "snake guy"'s house and starts asking him innocent questions about why he was out and about and if he had any kids.

Both Hugh Jackman and Jake G. did phenomenal in this movie, same with Viola davis and her character's husband (Can't remember his name atm), a very intense movie.

I still can't decide. which was your favorite part in the movie? which was your favorite scene?


The end. Because we don't know for sure what Loki will do.


Those d*man cliff hangers. I liked it too and I bet my money on that he did find keller!


Of course Loki would find him, he clearly heard the whistle.


I always had this doubt Hugh Jackman's character would still be alive. Didn't quite a bit of time pass? I recall it was snowing at the very end also. Seems like he would've died from hyperthermia, blood loss/infection from his gunshot wound, dehydration, or hunger.


Loki driving to the hospital





I don't know why really, but I really liked the scene where Gyllenhaal trashed his desk after that guy shot himself. It felt really genuine. Especially when he rose in the chair again to destroy the keyboard.

I also really liked the scene when Gyllenhaal stopped the car outside the hospital. I liked how he slipped the way out, and the way he screamed for help with half his face covered in blood


There were two scenes that were completely the opposite of each other!

The first scene shows a family on the way to celebrating America's most honored holiday...almost like a foreboding that it would not be a sense of thanksgiving for the Dover family.

The scene when Keller was asked to identify the bloodied clothes...and when he finally saw the photo of a bloodied sock with the telltale animal image on it ...and tears simply filled his eyes. This was the emotional opposite of that first scene of a happy family.

I was very touched by the second scene because it was such a heartfelt outpouring of a parent's love! No strong and emotional raging and ranting...just quiet tears filling a father's eyes!


My favorite scene is when Loki shows Keller the bloody sock that Keller recognizes as his daughter's bloody sock and Keller chokes up. That was the best acting in the film to me. I really felt what he was going through and it felt so real.
